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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Teppic, the Pharaoh of Djel, has been trained ______________.
(a) At an assassin school.
(b) At a boarding school.
(c) At pharaoh school.
(d) At a public school.
2. What is the Inundation?
(a) The rising of the river waters that flood the fields and give water to the crops.
(b) A monsoon.
(c) A large tidal wave.
(d) The overflowing of a volcano.
3. What is Mericet's goal?
(a) To make Teppic kill someone else.
(b) To kill Teppic.
(c) To make Teppic kill himself.
(d) To scare Teppic.
4. What does the pyramid cause?
(a) An increase in the speed of time.
(b) Time loops.
(c) Loss of time.
(d) Lapses in time.
5. What is Mericet doing in the room?
(a) Hiding.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Waiting for Teppic with a clipboard.
(d) Laughing.
6. Upon discussing religion, Teppic discovers that Arthur is scared of the god that he worships. Why is Arthur scared of this god?
(a) Because his mother had told him that he will come and take his entrails out.
(b) Because his friends had told him that the god did not like anyone named Arthur.
(c) Because his mother had told him that he will come and sacrifice him on an altar.
(d) Because his mother had told him that he will come and take Arthur away.
7. What happens if the student fails the test?
(a) They are banished from the city.
(b) They are sent to another planet.
(c) They have to retake the exam.
(d) They are never seen or heard of again.
8. One of the boys in the room, Arthur, had brought in ______________ to sacrifice.
(a) A bird.
(b) A goat.
(c) A camel.
(d) A person.
9. Why will the building of this pyramid be good business?
(a) The Pharaoh will want more built.
(b) Foreigners will want one.
(c) Pyramids will be built around the world.
(d) Others will see it and want one.
10. He takes his bow and arrow and points it at a vague place in the room and fires one arrow while looking at Mericet. What does the arrow do?
(a) It goes out the window.
(b) It hits Mericet.
(c) It hits Teppic in the leg.
(d) It ricochets off several places and lands perfectly on the sleeping figure.
11. What does the Pharaoh make grow?
(a) The wheat.
(b) The problems in his country.
(c) The cows.
(d) The corn.
12. When Teppic reaches a trapdoor he realizes what?
(a) He does not know where to go.
(b) His final exam is complete.
(c) Someone is waiting for him beyond it.
(d) He is alone.
13. What is the Pharaoh responsible for?
(a) The economic status of his country.
(b) The building of all the pyramids.
(c) His becoming Pharaoh.
(d) The rising of the sun.
14. Does the Pharaoh know how he makes the sun come up?
(a) Yes.
(b) Sometimes.
(c) Usually.
(d) No.
15. Does Teppic pass the final exam?
(a) Probably not.
(b) No.
(c) Not initially.
(d) Yes.
Short Answer Questions
1. Does Teppic get along with Mericet?
2. This is a day before his father dies and what happens to Teppic?
3. Teppic has ideas that the king should not ______________.
4. Teppic has a teacher named Mericet, who teaches ______________.
5. After this argument, they begin a silent fight that ends with Teppic telling Ptaclusp that the pyramid should be the __________ that has ever been built.
This section contains 560 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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