Pyramids: The Book of Going Forth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Pyramids: The Book of Going Forth Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much time are the students given to complete the task?
(a) One day.
(b) One month.
(c) Five hours.
(d) A limited amount.

2. King Teppicymon XXVII, is watching what happen to his body?
(a) Being buried.
(b) Being cremated.
(c) Being decorated.
(d) Being stuffed.

3. After Teppic has been in Djelibeybi for two weeks he has been part of ______________.
(a) Many different rituals and ceremonies.
(b) Parties and celebrations.
(c) Serious discussions.
(d) Important meetings.

4. What happens when Teppic stops to talk to one of the workers and shakes the man's hand?
(a) The man falls at Teppic's feet.
(b) The man begins to scream, holding his hand away from him.
(c) The man hugs Teppic.
(d) The man smiles.

5. Dios exists for what purpose?
(a) To destroy the kingdom.
(b) To kill the pharaohs.
(c) To serve the kingdom.
(d) To rule the world.

6. Teppic wants a feather bed brought to him like he had in Ankh-Morpork, as opposed to ______________.
(a) The cotton bed.
(b) The stone slab.
(c) The straw bed.
(d) The wooden bed.

7. Does Teppic's father want a pyramid built for him?
(a) Yes.
(b) Later.
(c) Maybe.
(d) No.

8. Ptaclusp decides that IIb needs to figure out where ______________ will occur.
(a) Loss of time.
(b) Lapses in time.
(c) An increase in the speed of time.
(d) The time loops.

9. One of the boys in the room, Arthur, had brought in ______________ to sacrifice.
(a) A goat.
(b) A bird.
(c) A person.
(d) A camel.

10. This planet is a flat and circular and is carried on the back of four elephants that are on the back of a turtle ten thousand miles long. What is the name of this turtle?
(a) Great Pharaoh.
(b) Great Ankh.
(c) Great Atun.
(d) Great A'tuin.

11. When Teppic reaches a trapdoor he realizes what?
(a) Someone is waiting for him beyond it.
(b) He does not know where to go.
(c) He is alone.
(d) His final exam is complete.

12. Teppic, the Pharaoh of Djel, has been trained ______________.
(a) At pharaoh school.
(b) At a boarding school.
(c) At an assassin school.
(d) At a public school.

13. Why might it be hard for Teppic to believe in a god such as Pharaoh?
(a) He does not like Pharaoh.
(b) He does not believe anything.
(c) He thinks he would make a better god.
(d) He eats breakfast with him every day.

14. IIb tells his father that the effects will be _________ if they do not put a cap on the pyramid right now and end the project.
(a) Magnificent.
(b) Useless.
(c) Boring.
(d) Dangerous.

15. Dios once again winces at a pain in his body and makes a mental note that he will have to go where that night?
(a) The polis.
(b) The Indianapolis.
(c) The necropolis.
(d) The acropolis.

Short Answer Questions

1. Does the Pharaoh know how he makes the sun come up?

2. The boys killed ______________ during the exam.

3. He takes his bow and arrow and points it at a vague place in the room and fires one arrow while looking at Mericet. What does the arrow do?

4. What is Mericet's goal?

5. How does Teppic save himself from the fall?

(see the answer keys)

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