Pyramids: The Book of Going Forth Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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Pyramids: The Book of Going Forth Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2: Page 125-179.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Teppic save himself from the fall?
(a) He lands on another roof.
(b) He prays to the gods.
(c) He grabs a rope dangling from the roof.
(d) He pulls out a dagger and begins to scale the wall.

2. Who does Teppic meet his first day at the assassin school?
(a) Cheesewright.
(b) Dios.
(c) Arthur.
(d) Chiddy.

3. What is the Inundation?
(a) A monsoon.
(b) The overflowing of a volcano.
(c) The rising of the river waters that flood the fields and give water to the crops.
(d) A large tidal wave.

4. What happens to Teppic when he reaches a rooftop that had always had a ledge and plank connecting that roof to the neighboring roof?
(a) He falls from the roof.
(b) He jumps off of it.
(c) He sits down on it.
(d) He looks for Mericet.

5. IIa is an accountant and explains that the Pharaoh will not ______________.
(a) Be able to afford the pyramid.
(b) Pay for the pyramid.
(c) Want the pyramid.
(d) Pay the workers.

Short Answer Questions

1. After this argument, they begin a silent fight that ends with Teppic telling Ptaclusp that the pyramid should be the __________ that has ever been built.

2. Pyramids were made to create a null time in the central chamber for what reason?

3. Teppic has a teacher named Mericet, who teaches ______________.

4. Teppic looks at the figure for sometime and then decides that he _____________ kill the person.

5. Why is there no one to recognize Teppic except Dio?

(see the answer key)

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