Pygmalion Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pygmalion Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Liza ask Higgins about her clothes?
(a) She wants to know if they belong to her or Pickering.
(b) She asks him if he plans to burn them as he did with her old clothes.
(c) She asks whether they will be any good for her now.
(d) She asks bitterly whether he finds them beautiful on a poor flower girl.

2. Where is Liza at the beginning of Act 5?
(a) With Mrs. Higgins.
(b) Back in Covent Garden, wandering in the vegetable market.
(c) With her father.
(d) With Freddy.

3. What does Liza do when she looks into the mirror?
(a) Screams in rage.
(b) Breaks into a self-satisfied smile.
(c) Sticks her tongue out at herself.
(d) Bursts into tears.

4. Who says, "I havnt any small talk. If people would only be frank and say what they really think!"
(a) Freddy.
(b) Liza.
(c) Clara.
(d) Higgins.

5. How is Mrs. Higgins portrayed?
(a) Very controlling of her son.
(b) Adoring of her son, her only child.
(c) Elegant and sensible.
(d) Silly and snobbish.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Higgins promise to treat Liza if she comes back to him?

2. Which of the following does Higgins call Liza in Act 4 when she bursts out in a rage at him?

3. What is the main reason Higgins brings Liza to the social visit at the beginning of Act 3?

4. What does Liza say when she sees her father looking so different in Act 5?

5. What does Higgins think of Liza at the end of Act 5?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why doesn't Higgins want Liza to fetch his slippers for him and perform other like tasks?

2. Why is Liza so upset in Act 4? What does she want to know?

3. What does Liza say about marriage in Act 4? What does her statement reveal about her morals?

4. How does Freddy feel about Liza and what does he want from her? How is he different from Higgins?

5. What does Liza ultimately think of the party and of her success at the end of Act 3?

6. How do Freddy and Clara feel about Liza after meeting her, and why do they probably feel this way?

7. What does Higgins conclude about the evening and about their joint project at the beginning of Act 4? What does he say that hurts Liza's feelings?

8. What does Higgins mean when he says that people are really "savages"?

9. What does Mrs. Higgins say when she learns the two men have phoned the police at the beginning of Act 5? What does Mrs. Higgins realize about Liza that the two men do not?

10. How does Liza succeed in hurting Higgins in Act 4?

(see the answer keys)

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