The Pushcart War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Merrill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pushcart War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Merrill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are hardest hit by the tacks tax?
(a) Teachers.
(b) Hardware stores.
(c) Children.
(d) Pushcart peddlers.

2. How many peas and pins do the pushcart vendors decide they must buy?
(a) As many as they can grow.
(b) None, they'll build the pins and grow the peas.
(c) A ton of each.
(d) A half ton of each.

3. How long has Morris the Florist been in business at the opening of the pushcart war?
(a) Fourteen days.
(b) Four months.
(c) Forty-three years.
(d) Fourteen years.

4. What has General Anna discovered about her ability to aim?
(a) She can't aim at all.
(b) She misses about half.
(c) She aims better than anyone.
(d) She hasn't tried.

5. On what date does the Mayor order the Pea Blockade?
(a) May 11.
(b) May 17.
(c) May 22.
(d) May 4.

6. Why does Wenda Gambling say there is a traffic problem in New York?
(a) There are too many big trucks.
(b) There are too many taxis.
(c) There are too many pedestrians.
(d) There are too many immovable objects.

7. How long does it take Professor Cumberly to go five blocks in a taxi during a heavy traffic day?
(a) Fifteen minutes.
(b) Forty minutes.
(c) Four hours.
(d) Five hours.

8. Who are the last motorists to become frightened of the trucks?
(a) The pushcart vendors.
(b) The taxi drivers.
(c) The pedestrians.
(d) The movie stars.

9. How many flats does Maxie say General Anna has caused?
(a) Forty.
(b) Six.
(c) None.
(d) Fourteen.

10. Where do the pushcart vendors hide their ammunition following Frank's arrest?
(a) Big Moe's warehouse.
(b) Maxie Hammerman's basement.
(c) General Anna's apartment.
(d) Mr. Jerusalem's pushcart.

11. Who is the driver of the truck that hits the first truck of the pushcart war?
(a) Marvin Seely.
(b) Morris the Florist.
(c) Albert P. Mack.
(d) Mark the Pickle Seller.

12. Who do the Pea Tack Squad call to help gain entrance into Posey's Peas?
(a) The Police Department.
(b) The Neighborhood Watch.
(c) The Fire Department.
(d) The Pushcart Vendors.

13. Who is the world's largest producer of tacks?
(a) Teachers.
(b) The puchcart vendors.
(c) Vermont.
(d) England.

14. What happened to the enlargement of Marvin Seely's picture of the first incident of the pushcart war?
(a) It's in Buddy Wiser's office.
(b) It's in the Museum of the City of New York.
(c) It was used in court.
(d) It was destroyed.

15. What does Joey Kifflis believe is the real reason for "the master plan?"
(a) To make traffic flow better.
(b) To get more money for the truck drivers.
(c) There's no purpose.
(d) To declare war on the pushcarts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the mayor and city council eventually decide as a way of trying to stop the pea shooters?

2. What is written on Eddie Moroney's pushcart?

3. What is "The Day the Traffic Stopped?"

4. Who gives the famous "peanut butter speech?"

5. What is the name of the company where the peas were purchased?

(see the answer keys)

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