The Pushcart War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Merrill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Pushcart War Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Merrill
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mr. Posey usually have his peas delivered?
(a) By Mighty Mammoth.
(b) By pushcart.
(c) By truck.
(d) By car.

2. Who are hardest hit by the tacks tax?
(a) Hardware stores.
(b) Children.
(c) Pushcart peddlers.
(d) Teachers.

3. Who turns Frank the Flower in for shooting tires?
(a) The arresting officer.
(b) Maxie Hammerman.
(c) A spotter for a trucking company.
(d) The Police Commissioner.

4. How long is it before the pushcart vendors know the truckers have declared war?
(a) Over a week.
(b) Over a month.
(c) Over a year.
(d) Over six months.

5. Who tells the Mayor that the tax has to be lifted?
(a) The President.
(b) The pushcart vendors.
(c) Teachers.
(d) Tacks manufacturers.

6. What happens after the lady driver tells the cab driver "Well done" for hitting her car?
(a) He tows her for repairs.
(b) He marries her.
(c) He pays for her repairs.
(d) All the above.

7. When does Frank the Flower get arrested?
(a) The ninth day of the pea shooter campaign.
(b) The first day of the pea shooter campaign.
(c) The day after Big Moe's first flat.
(d) In June.

8. What does Joey Kifflis believe is the real reason for "the master plan?"
(a) To get more money for the truck drivers.
(b) There's no purpose.
(c) To declare war on the pushcarts.
(d) To make traffic flow better.

9. Why doesn't Morris the Florist ever go above Twenty-third Street?
(a) It's too far to walk.
(b) People there don't buy flowers .
(c) There is too much traffic.
(d) That's Frank the Flower's territory.

10. What name is given to the clubs that begin shooting tires?
(a) Pea Shooter Clubs.
(b) Pea Pin Clubs.
(c) Tire Shooter Clubs.
(d) Frank the Flower Clubs.

11. Who buys the pins and peas for the pushcart vendors?
(a) General Anna.
(b) The Mayor.
(c) Wenda Gambling.
(d) Big Moe.

12. What does Morris the Florist begin offering at a discount to children under ten?
(a) Pins.
(b) Flowers suitable for hat bands.
(c) Peas.
(d) Pea shooters.

13. Who is causing the next round of truck flats?
(a) Children.
(b) Harry the Hot Dog.
(c) All the pushcart vendors.
(d) General Anna.

14. What is the name of the company where the peas were purchased?
(a) The Pea Place.
(b) The Black-Eyed Pea.
(c) Posey's Pea Company.
(d) Wenda Gambling.

15. What do the trucking company owners do when the casualties get too high?
(a) Take their trucks off the road.
(b) Buy more tires.
(c) Tax the tacks.
(d) Hire spotters to watch for pea shooters.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who are the last motorists to become frightened of the trucks?

2. Who do the Pea Tack Squad call to help gain entrance into Posey's Peas?

3. What is one theory about how Frank could have caused all the flats?

4. What is the fine that is imposed on anyone who leaves a truck parked for longer than an hour?

5. What has General Anna discovered about her ability to aim?

(see the answer keys)

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