Push Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Push Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Precious begin thinking about as she gets older?
(a) College
(b) Boys
(c) Moving
(d) Teaching

2. What does Precious talk about in the letter she writes to Ms. Rain at the hospital?
(a) Her first child, Little Mongo.
(b) Her mother's abuse.
(c) Being raped by Carl.
(d) Not knowing what to think about the baby.

3. What does Precious understand about AIDS?
(a) It is curable
(b) Many people she knows have it.
(c) It is a widespread epidemic
(d) She and Abdul may have it

4. What does Precious keep secret in November?
(a) Her birthday
(b) Her father
(c) Her first day of school
(d) Her new baby

5. What support group does Rita want Precious to join?
(a) AID for AIDS
(b) HIV Help
(c) Body Positive
(d) A Woman's Body

6. After fighting with her mother, why does Precious take Abdul and go to the Emergency Room?
(a) She does not feel well
(b) Mary injured her with a knife
(c) She wants to hide Abdul
(d) It is the only place Precious feels safe

7. What does Precious say she no longer cares about now that she is getting an education?
(a) Cooking
(b) Her mother
(c) New clothes
(d) Names people call her

8. What does Precious write about in a poem?
(a) School
(b) Harlem
(c) Her children
(d) Sexual abuse

9. What does Mary attempt to do to Precious when Precious returns from the hospital?
(a) Kill her
(b) Keep her from going to school
(c) Rape her
(d) Steal Abdul

10. What does Precious think about in regards to Carl Kenwood Jones after receiving some startling news?
(a) If he is going to look for Little Mongo and Abdul
(b) When he contracted HIV
(c) If he loves her
(d) When she will see him

11. What is Precious unsure about in terms of her future relationships?
(a) If she can trust her new friends
(b) If she can ever trust a man
(c) If she will ever be taken seriously
(d) If a boy will ever love her

12. Following her counseling session with Ms. Weiss and Mary, what does Precious do after speaking with Mary in order to calm herself down?
(a) Calls Ms. Rain
(b) Calls her grandmother
(c) Hugs Abdul
(d) Writes in her journal

13. Why does Precious not want to go to counseling?
(a) She does not see a point in bringing up the past
(b) She is afraid of getting in trouble
(c) She does not trust strangers
(d) She does not have the money for counseling

14. What is Precious' son's full name?
(a) Louis Jamal Abdul Jones
(b) Jamal Abdul Jones Louis
(c) Abdul Jamal Louis Jones
(d) Jamal Louis Abdul Jones

15. Who does Precious consider her family to be now that she has left Mary's house?
(a) Her journals
(b) Her children
(c) Her classmates
(d) Ms. Rain

Short Answer Questions

1. When Ms. Rain tells the girls to write fantasies about their lives, what does Precious fantasize about?

2. For whom does Rita have an interest in starting a house?

3. What does Ms. Rain suggest that Precious do after she has given birth to Abdul?

4. Why does Precious not trust her counselor, Ms. Weiss?

5. What does Precious' file suggest she should look into pursuing?

(see the answer keys)

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