Push Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Push Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Precious think Farrakhan would explain why her father raped her?
(a) He felt he had the right to as her father
(b) Her father was oppressed by white men
(c) He is uneducated and does not know better
(d) He was also sexually abused as a child

2. How does Precious know she weighs more than two hundred pounds?
(a) Her home scale only goes to two hundred
(b) The doctor told her earlier
(c) She has been eating a lot due to the pregnancy
(d) Her mother always comments on her weight

3. Why does Precious claim the students listen to her?
(a) They like her
(b) They respect her
(c) They do not like Mr. Wicher
(d) They are scared of her

4. What do the girls learn as a group at the Alternative School?
(a) The alphabet
(b) The Pledge of Allegiance
(c) Addition and subtraction
(d) How to write their names

5. When did Precious' father begin raping her?
(a) When she was in third grade
(b) When she was in second grade
(c) When she was in fifth grade
(d) When she was in fourth grade

6. How old is Precious when she leaves school to have her daughter?
(a) 13
(b) 14
(c) 12
(d) 15

7. Who does Precious consider a "God" after she is taken to the hospital and has her baby?
(a) Her father
(b) The neighbor
(c) The Spanish man
(d) Her mother

8. What is Precious' mother worried about when she hears Mrs. Lichenstein at the door?
(a) That it is her neighbor
(b) That someone is there to take away her welfare
(c) That it is a sales person
(d) That it is the police

9. What does Precious promise her unborn baby as she speaks to it?
(a) To send the baby to a good school
(b) To be a better mom than Mary
(c) To teach the baby how to read
(d) To keep the baby safe

10. What is the welfare office doing that Mary is upset about?
(a) Telling her to get a job
(b) Alerting the IRS about Mary
(c) Removing Precious from the check
(d) Revoking Mary's welfare

11. What subject did Precious once receive an A in?
(a) Math
(b) History
(c) English
(d) Home Ec

12. How old is Precious when the book begins?
(a) 15
(b) 17
(c) 16
(d) 14

13. When was Precious born?
(a) November 5, 1973
(b) November 4, 1970
(c) November 10, 1971
(d) November 11, 1972

14. What was Rita before she attended the Alternative School?
(a) A crack addict
(b) Affluent
(c) An orphan
(d) An honor student

15. Who does Precious believe to be a real man?
(a) Her father
(b) Farrakhan
(c) The Spanish man
(d) Langston Hughes

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Rhonda from?

2. What does Ms. Rain ask the girls to do that terrifies Precious?

3. Why is Precious almost late for her first day of school at the Alternative School?

4. What does Precious shove into tinfoil before leaving her house?

5. What does the secretary at the Alternative School need from Precious to see if she is eligible for the program?

(see the answer keys)

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