Punch Me Up to the Gods: A Memoir Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Brian Broome
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Punch Me Up to the Gods: A Memoir Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Brian Broome
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Broome go to college?
(a) University of Ohio.
(b) University of Akron.
(c) University of Virginia.
(d) University of Florida.

2. Why does Broome leave his rented accomodation in Part II?
(a) He decides to leave college because he misses home.
(b) He can not afford it.
(c) He needs to leave college because of an illness.
(d) His roommates confront him about being gay.

3. When does Broome's father most often come to their house after the divorce in "Parental Alienation 101"?
(a) Never.
(b) During school hours.
(c) In the middle of the night.
(d) When his mother is out.

4. What actually happens to Broome's family after their house is destroyed?
(a) They briefly live with his aunt.
(b) They live with his grandmother.
(c) They become homeless.
(d) They move back in with Broome's father.

5. What stands today where Broome's childhood home used to be?
(a) A church.
(b) A convenience store.
(c) It is a barren spot.
(d) A new house.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Broome go to one of his first gay socializing establishments with in Part II?

2. In Part II, what does Broome say he learned as a boy detracted from his Blackness?

3. When is the first gay pride parade Broome attends?

4. Where is Broome's town's hottest dance spot for youth?

5. What is Brian good at in the section "Bee"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Broome's father do after his mother separates from her?

2. What does Mr. Nye do to Broome in secret in the section "Bee" and how does Broome react?

3. How does Broome think Mr. Nye views him?

4. In "The Initiation of Tuan" (pages 1 - 4), what does Broome find familiar about Tuan and his father?

5. How does Broome initially feel about the fire that destroys his family's house?

6. What does Broome do in the section "Sandalwood" that he is ashamed of?

7. How does the fire that burns Broome's house down start?

8. Who does Broome realize he usually calls to help him in disastrous situations, even though he has a fraught relationship with this person?

9. What happens when Broome tries to get a ride home from the Red Caboose with his friends?

10. How does Broome feel the first time he goes to the Arena Health Club?

(see the answer keys)

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