Punch Me Up to the Gods: A Memoir Test | Final Test - Easy

Brian Broome
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Punch Me Up to the Gods: A Memoir Test | Final Test - Easy

Brian Broome
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which friends did Broome's mother move with after graduating from high school?
(a) Ida and Gracie.
(b) Gracie and Jane.
(c) Jane and Ida.
(d) Helen and Hattie.

2. Who is smitten with Broome because he thinks Broome plays basketball?
(a) Randy.
(b) Bertrand.
(c) Henderson.
(d) Finklestein.

3. Who does Broome go home with in the section "Like This"?
(a) Allen.
(b) Henry.
(c) Jon.
(d) Jason.

4. What does Broome's mother say she regrets doing in Part IV?
(a) Eating too much.
(b) Yelling at her cousin.
(c) Having an affair.
(d) Quitting her job.

5. What does Broome sometimes do for money in "Look Left, Look Right"?
(a) Engage in prostitution.
(b) Act as a model for medical students to practice prostate exams on.
(c) Sell drugs.
(d) Sell blood.

6. Why does Broome leave his encounter early with the man he goes home with in Part III?
(a) The man tells Broome to leave.
(b) The man passes out.
(c) The man is too rough and seems unstable.
(d) The man becomes violent and attacks Broome with a knife.

7. Where does Broome's new boyfriend ask him to meet him for a date outside in "The Key"?
(a) Squirrel Hill.
(b) Market Street.
(c) The East Quarter.
(d) The Bog.

8. Early in Part IV, who does Tuan talk to on the phone on the bus?
(a) His cousin.
(b) His grandfather.
(c) His mother.
(d) His sibling.

9. Who was the first man Broome's mother became involved with after moving to the big city after high school?
(a) Jon Henderson.
(b) William Davis.
(c) Michael Smith.
(d) Jermone Karnis.

10. What does the man Broome goes home with in "Like This" ask him right before he leaves?
(a) How can Broome style his hair like this?
(b) How can Broome be "like this?"
(c) How can Broome live on so little money?
(d) How can Broome be so angry like this?

11. What does Broome's new boyfriend basically make him do at the end of "The Key" that Broome dreads?
(a) Dance.
(b) Cook.
(c) Sing for him.
(d) Play basketball in front of him.

12. What is one major issue Broome's father lies to his mother about early in their marriage?
(a) He says he cannot eat meat.
(b) He says he has no siblings.
(c) He says he has no bank account.
(d) He says he cannot have children.

13. Who narrates the section "Let the church Say 'Amen'"?
(a) Broome's father.
(b) Broome's mother.
(c) Broome's brother.
(d) Broome's cousin.

14. What does Tuan do immediately when his father asks him to stop crying in Part III?
(a) Throws a tantrum.
(b) Cries harder.
(c) Jumps off the bus.
(d) Immediately stops crying.

15. What term does Broome's mother use to refer to the house her father gave her and her husband to live in?
(a) A rover house.
(b) A blinker house.
(c) A shotgun house.
(d) A hidewaway.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do the lovers from the bus in Part III get off the bus?

2. What does Broome promise himself he will never be to his mother?

3. Where does Broome's mother move right after graduating from high school?

4. What does Broome's mother like to hear him do in "Let the Church Say 'Amen'"?

5. Which singer does Broome's mother love in Part IV?

(see the answer keys)

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