Pudd'nhead Wilson Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pudd'nhead Wilson Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is David Wilson's occupation?
(a) Doctor.
(b) Scientist.
(c) Teacher.
(d) Lawyer.

2. Why is Roxana cleared of the crime that the Percy slaves were accused of?
(a) She discovered religion.
(b) She was caring for the babies.
(c) She was serving dinner.
(d) She is a woman.

3. How long has Aunt patsy gone without making money?
(a) 8 months.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 4 months.
(d) 1 year.

4. What does Percy threaten to do if the slaves do not admit who committed the crime?
(a) Sell them to a plantation.
(b) Put them in prison.
(c) Sell them down river.
(d) Put them on a steam boat.

5. How does the slave boy save Tom's life?
(a) He wards off bullies.
(b) He kills a bear.
(c) He talks him down off a roof.
(d) He saves him from drowning.

6. What is Aunt Patsy called by the town people?
(a) Patricia.
(b) Miss Patty.
(c) Widow Cooper.
(d) Widow Patsy.

7. Who sees a woman in Tom's room one morning?
(a) Luigi.
(b) McCall.
(c) David Wilson.
(d) Judge Cooper.

8. What does Wilson like to collect?
(a) Fingerprints.
(b) Drops of blood.
(c) Hair strands.
(d) Boot marks.

9. Why did the Judge once disinherit Tom from the Will?
(a) He was rude to his aunt.
(b) He was caught gambling.
(c) He quit college.
(d) He was accused of harassing a woman.

10. Which of the following is NOT a name of one of the people coming to stay with Aunt Patsy?
(a) McCall.
(b) Luigi.
(c) Capellia.
(d) Angelo.

11. What does Wilson like to do with the babies every few months?
(a) Play pretend with them.
(b) Take blood samples.
(c) Take their fingerprints.
(d) Collect hair samples.

12. What does Tom do that disappoints Judge Driscoll?
(a) Quits college.
(b) Steals some money.
(c) Hits his aunt.
(d) Strikes a slave.

13. What is Roxana saving up money for?
(a) Her retirement.
(b) To buy a ticket to Canada.
(c) To buy her husband out of slavery.
(d) Her son.

14. What elite society does Judge Driscoll belong to?
(a) The Society of Free Thinkers.
(b) The Society for Peace Among Men.
(c) The Society of Love and Discipline.
(d) The Society of Prominent Americans.

15. How much money does Tom give Roxana when she finds him?
(a) $1.
(b) $3.
(c) $4.
(d) $2.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many people come to stay with Aunt Patsy?

2. What killed most of the most prominent man in town's nieces and nephews?

3. Which of the following town members belongs to the elite Society that the Judge is involved in?

4. What does Wilson say is found in people's hair?

5. How much of her monthly salary does Roxana put in a bank account?

(see the answer keys)

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