Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Lester Bangs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Lester Bangs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bangs writes the latter half of his interview with Slade in an imitation of a _______ cockney accent.

2. Bangs purchases a record by _______ and he says it is so bad that "it gets stars for lousiness".

3. In "Black _____ Arkansas: Keep the Faith", Bangs admits that he like the band's album when he first heard it.

4. In his write up of the song _____, Bangs fantasizes about the lead singer, Reg Presley, living out the lyrics.

5. Clark believes that the current generation are very ______ despite their claims towards originality.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Bangs have to say about the album "Keep the Faith," even though he liked the band's first album?

2. What does Clark believe about the trend of glam rock when it is discussed with Bangs?

3. Why does Clark believe that he will still be around for years to come, as he says when talking to Bangs?

4. While Bangs doesn't disagree with the assessment of the Stooges, what does he believe the value of their music is?

5. What does Bangs have to say about the idea of good taste, especially when it comes to old movies and to music?

6. Why does Bangs recommend the album "White Witch", even though it's difficult to tell whether he is being serious or not in this essay?

7. What does Bangs believe is the benefit of not knowing how to play an instrument, as he notes the Stooges were unable to do at first?

8. What does the J. Geils Band invite Bangs to do when he is trying to cover their concert?

9. What does Bangs believe to be the meaning of the song "Give It To Me" by The Troggs?

10. What does Bangs claim is the inspiration for the band name, The Troggs, though some aren't sure this is the case?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The interpretation of song lyrics can be tricky and dependent on the person who does the translating.

Part 1: Do you think it's possible to definitively state that a song means one thing?

Part 2: Do you think you are objective when it comes to the interpretation of song lyrics?

Part 3: How do you think a person could be positive about the meaning of a song?

Essay Topic 2

Bangs writes about the Clash as they were one of the first bands who really wanted to make a difference in the world.

Part 1: Do you think that the Clash actually wanted to make a difference in the world?

Part 2: How do you think Bangs really feels about the music of the Clash?

Part 3: What are your opinions of the Clash based on what you've read in the book?

Essay Topic 3

The drugs that are found a lot in the music world are also found in Bangs, though he criticizes his friend for succumbing to that lifestyle.

Part 1: Why do you think drugs are often a part of the music world?

Part 2: How do you think a person could avoid the drug scene in the music world?

Part 3: How do you think you might react to a person that succumbs to drugs because they want to be a part of a certain lifestyle?

(see the answer keys)

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