Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Lester Bangs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Lester Bangs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Slaying the Children, Burying the Dead, Signs of Life Part Two.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During their interview, Hell describes to Bangs the importance of self-hatred and ______ in music.
(a) Narcissism.
(b) Pessimism.
(c) Sexism.
(d) Optimisim.

2. The narrator agonizes over buying Count Five's record _____ because it is mediocre but he eventually comes to love it.
(a) Bangs.
(b) Physical Graffiti.
(c) Psychotic Reaction.
(d) Carburetor Dung.

3. "Growing Up True is Hard to Do" is a review of Bob Seger's album ______.
(a) Stranger in Town.
(b) Blank Generation.
(c) New Year's Eve.
(d) L.A. Blues.

4. Bangs rejects the idea that punk is _____ because some bands used symbols like swastikas. He felt that it was mainly for shock value.
(a) Socialist.
(b) Facist.
(c) Communist.
(d) Racist.

5. At the conclusion of the interview, Bangs decides that he has changed his opinion of Reed and that he is a _______.
(a) Child.
(b) Loser.
(c) God.
(d) Basket case.

Short Answer Questions

1. Bangs himself died of drug related causes about _____ years after the essay about Laughner was written.

2. Bangs hears the album ______ at a dinner party and it leads to him and others harassing people at a Masons function.

3. Bangs spends almost half of the review of the album talking about the song ______, which Bangs believes is about a transsexual man.

4. The band known as the Troggs derived their name from the word ______ which means "cavemen".

5. Bangs suggests that the music of ______ was a natural reaction to the chaos of the late 1960s.

(see the answer key)

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