Protagoras and Meno Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Protagoras and Meno Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Meno know Gorgias?
(a) He was his student.
(b) He was his uncle.
(c) He was his brother.
(d) He was his nephew.

2. Why did Meno say the definition of virtue changed?
(a) It fulfilled the gods' desires.
(b) It had many elements.
(c) It melded with the governments.
(d) It meant different things to different people.

3. What was Gorgias's occupation?
(a) Teacher.
(b) Speaker.
(c) Senator.
(d) Builder.

4. Who was the goddess of the dead?
(a) Hestia.
(b) Athena.
(c) Venus.
(d) Persephone.

5. What did Protagoras say kept some men from doing good things?
(a) Pleasure.
(b) Fear.
(c) All of the answers are correct.
(d) Pain.

6. Why did Meno say some men got bad things?
(a) They were trying to get virtue.
(b) They did not know they were bad.
(c) They were cursed.
(d) They did not have virtue.

7. How did the third party in the discussion between Socrates and Meno feel about the people who taught virtue?
(a) He agreed with them.
(b) He was afraid of them.
(c) He hated them.
(d) He was confused by them.

8. What did Protagoras say people were overcome by without knowledge?
(a) Pleasures.
(b) Risks.
(c) Pain.
(d) Evil.

9. What did Pindar write?
(a) Philosophy.
(b) History.
(c) Poetry.
(d) Theology.

10. Who joined the dialogue between Socrates and Meno?
(a) Anytus.
(b) Plato.
(c) Protagoras.
(d) Sophocles.

11. What did Socrates say shape had?
(a) Longitude.
(b) Generality.
(c) Color.
(d) Visibility.

12. What part of man did Pindar say was immortal?
(a) The memory.
(b) The body.
(c) The soul.
(d) The mind.

13. What trait did Socrates say all brave men had?
(a) Temperance.
(b) Patience.
(c) Virtue.
(d) Confidence.

14. What did Meno say virtue was after Socrates talked about teaching?
(a) The power to get good things.
(b) The power to deny evil influences.
(c) The power to recollect good things.
(d) The power to divine good from evil.

15. Who ended the dialogue between Protagoras and Socrates?
(a) Meno.
(b) Socrates.
(c) Protagoras.
(d) Plato.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Socrates say was Prometheus's best trait?

2. Which of the following did Protagoras say sex caused?

3. Why did Socrates say strength would not be a part of virtue?

4. What kind of diet did Socrates promote in his statement about pain?

5. To what did Socrates have Meno apply his theory of learning?

(see the answer keys)

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