Proof Test | Final Test - Easy

David Auburn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Proof Test | Final Test - Easy

David Auburn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hal have to give to Robert?
(a) A get well soon card.
(b) A manila envelope containing a rough draft of his thesis.
(c) A book he borrowed back before Robert's illness.
(d) An invitation to a party where his band is playing.

2. What are the subjects of the proof?
(a) The speed of light.
(b) Atomic subatomic forces.
(c) The inverse relationships between love and hate.
(d) Warm months, cold months, and students in bookstores.

3. What does Robert begin to write at the end of Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) He begins to write the proof that Hal discovers.
(b) He begins to write his edits for Hal's thesis.
(c) He begins to write his last will and testament.
(d) He begins to write the journal entry that Hal tries to give to Catherine.

4. Does Hal believe Catherine could have written the proof?
(a) No, the proof required very advanced mathematics, and Catherine only attended college for a few months.
(b) No, Hal knows that Claire wrote the proof, and plans to help her publish it.
(c) No, Hal did the proof himself, and planned to give Robert the credit.
(d) Yes, Hal believes instantly that Catherine wrote the proof.

5. How does Hal want to check the proof?
(a) He wants to sit down with Robert and have a heart to heart.
(b) He wants Catherine to recite it to him from memory.
(c) He wants to present the proof as evidence in the pending trial over its authorship.
(d) He wants to take it to some mathematicians at the university who are all familiar with Robert and his work.

6. What does Claire think about Hal's suggestion to check the proof?
(a) Claire thinks his suggestion is terrible--she does not have time to go to trial.
(b) Claire thinks his suggestion is excellent--no one will be able to validate the authoship better than Robert.
(c) Claire thinks his suggestions is terrible--how could Catherine possibly recite the proof from memory?
(d) Claire thinks his suggestion is excellent--who better to check the proof than mathematicians who knew Robert?

7. Robert says he is satisfied with Claire, but he is _______ of/with/to Catherine?
(a) Terrified.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Proud.
(d) Angry.

8. Why does Catherine claim she wrote the proof in one of Robert's notebook?
(a) She bought the notebooks for him in bulk, and there were extras.
(b) She only writes in certain types of notebooks, which Robert happened to have.
(c) She wanted to confuse Hal, with whom she is angry.
(d) She thought she would publish the proof under his name.

9. Why is Hal skeptical about Catherine's claim?
(a) He thinks Catherine is just trying to impress him because they spend the night together.
(b) He has already written the proof, and wonders how she stole his idea.
(c) Robert told him all about the proof before his death.
(d) He thinks Robert may have written the groundbreaking proof, then later explained it to Catherine.

10. Robert says he feels like no time has passed since he was...
(a) A child.
(b) Thirty.
(c) Twenty-one.
(d) Thirty-five.

11. How much of Robert's ability does Claire think Catherine has inherited?
(a) One half.
(b) Less than Claire, but Claire is not sure how much less.
(c) One quarter.
(d) More than Claire, but Claire is not sure how much more.

12. What does Catherine say to Hal that causes him to leave abruptly, and without the notebook?
(a) She says that she does not approve of his relationship with Claire.
(b) She says that he barely finished his Ph.D., does research that does not matter, and played in an awful band.
(c) She says that she loves him and always has, and wants to marry him as soon as possible.
(d) She says that he killed Robert and she can prove it.

13. Where does Robert joke that Chicago beer comes from?
(a) Lake Michigan.
(b) A secret brewery.
(c) New York City.
(d) Underground.

14. What time of year is it in Act 2, Scene 4?
(a) Spring.
(b) Winter.
(c) Summer.
(d) Fall.

15. Why was Catherine's drawer locked?
(a) The drawer contains Robert's greatest works.
(b) The key to the drawer has long been lost.
(c) The drawer is full of important legal documents.
(d) The drawer is a place where she keeps private things.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Catherine request for dinner?

2. In whose notebook is the proof written?

3. How much of Robert's ability does Claire think she has inherited?

4. What does Robert say is finally working again?

5. Does Hal think he took advantage of Catherine by sleeping with her?

(see the answer keys)

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