Proof Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Auburn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Proof Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Auburn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Claire stay up so late?
(a) She was arguing with Catherine.
(b) She was working on a very important paper.
(c) She could not sleep.
(d) She got caught with the physicists, and all her friends went home.

2. Why is Catherine upset with Claire at the end of Scene 2?
(a) She despises the coffee that Claire has made.
(b) She resents Claire swooping in and trying to take care of her.
(c) She is jealous that Claire is getting married.
(d) She is angry that Claire has borrowed her clothes.

3. Where did Catherine get the dress she wore to the funeral?
(a) Claire gave it to her.
(b) She already had it.
(c) Robert gave it to her.
(d) Hal gave it to her.

4. Where does Claire live?
(a) Boston.
(b) Chicago.
(c) New York.
(d) Los Angeles.

5. Who is Sophie Germain?
(a) A woman who teaches at the University of Chicago and was very close to Robert.
(b) A woman Catherine previously thought was her mother.
(c) A woman whose husband stole her ideas and published her work under his name.
(d) A woman who published great mathematical works under a pseudonym during the French Revolution.

6. How does Catherine know about Sophie Germain?
(a) Robert gave her a book about the woman.
(b) They know each other personally and have been friends for years.
(c) She learned about her in a college course.
(d) She was one of Catherine's teachers.

7. Why did Robert keep requesting that Catherine check out library books for him?
(a) He thought that aliens were sending him messages through the Dewey decimal system and was working out the code.
(b) He had a goal to read every single book in the library.
(c) He had a vendetta against the library and wanted to take as many books as possible.
(d) He was building a large model out of library books in his office.

8. Has Hal found anything coherent in the notebooks as of Act 1, Scene 3?
(a) No, the only lucid notebook is the one he tried to give to Catherine on her birthday.
(b) No, but he is not really reading the notebooks anyway--he just wants to go to band practice.
(c) Yes, he has already made off with ten notebooks and is planning to write a book.
(d) Yes, he has found something profound in almost every notebook.

9. How does Catherine treat the police officers?
(a) She is rude and borderline abusive.
(b) She is extremely polite.
(c) She is outgoing and inviting.
(d) She is very timid and quiet.

10. According to the letter Catherine has memorized, is Gauss pleased to discover the letters he has received are from a woman?
(a) No, he thinks a woman's place is in the household.
(b) No, he thinks his ideas are the only valid ones.
(c) Yes, he hopes he can take her out on a date sometime.
(d) Yes, he regards her as courageous and genius.

11. What does Claire think of Hal when Catherine first tries to explain the events of the previous night?
(a) She thinks Catherine may have imagined him.
(b) She thinks Catherine may be in a fight with him.
(c) She thinks Hal sounds lovely, and hopes Catherine will want to have a double wedding.
(d) She thinks Hal is a delinquent.

12. Why does Hal attempt to steal the notebook?
(a) He plans to sell the notebook and make a profit.
(b) He wants to wrap it, and give it to Catherine as a birthday present.
(c) He wants to keep the notebook for sentimental reasons.
(d) He wants to publish the ideas in the notebook as his own.

13. Why is Claire confused about Catherine's relationship to Hal?
(a) Because she does not know if they were partying together, if he was an intruder, or if he only exists in Catherine's mind.
(b) Because prior to this incident, she knows Catherine and Hal were the best of friends.
(c) Because Hal and Catherine were engaged to be married.
(d) Because Hal and Robert are friends, but not Hal and Catherine.

14. What is Hal carrying when he enters?
(a) A backpack and a folded jacket.
(b) A briefcase and a parka.
(c) A bouquet of flowers and a card.
(d) A laptop computer.

15. How many days has Catherine "lost"?
(a) Two.
(b) None.
(c) Thirty-three.
(d) Twenty-five.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Claire in town?

2. Who was Claire drinking with the night before?

3. Who paid the mortgage on the house during Robert's illness?

4. What name does Claire call Catherine by?

5. Why does Claire want Catherine to come to New York?

(see the answer keys)

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