Proof Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

David Auburn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Proof Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

David Auburn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 1 Scene 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name does Claire call Catherine by?
(a) Cate.
(b) Katie.
(c) Cat.
(d) Catherine.

2. Who apologizes to whom about the events from the night before? (i.e., the fight, the 9-1-1 call, and the attempted theft)?
(a) Hal apologizes to Catherine--he should not have tried to take the notebook.
(b) They apologize to each other--they both handled the situation poorly.
(c) No one apologizes--they are still in a fight.
(d) Catherine apologizes to Hal--she should not have called the police.

3. Why does Claire want Catherine to come to New York?
(a) She never wants to come back to Chicago to visit.
(b) She needs Catherine to help organize the upcoming wedding.
(c) She wants to get a two bedroom apartment so they can live together again.
(d) She is worried that Catherine is upset and exhausted, and living in Chicago is bad for her mental health.

4. What does Catherine insist on searching before Hal leaves?
(a) His wallet.
(b) His computer files.
(c) His backpack.
(d) His briefcase.

5. What beauty product does Claire insist that Catherine try?
(a) Her body wash.
(b) Her conditioner.
(c) Her face wash.
(d) Her nail polish.

Short Answer Questions

1. What instrument does Hal play?

2. What does Claire think Hal is to Catherine?

3. What fields did Robert, in his younger days, make significant contributions to, according to Hal?

4. How old was Robert when his illness began?

5. How did Robert die?

(see the answer key)

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