Profiles in Courage Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Profiles in Courage Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Webster not bothered by what many would consider as bribes?
(a) He felt he was entitled to extra benefits for his service to the Union.
(b) The moral question of accepting money and gifts for Webster was not an issue for him.
(c) He accepted money and gifts but always did only what he thought was right.
(d) He never let that happen to him.

2. What does Kennedy identify as the personal tragedy and national greatness about Sen. Robert A. Taft?
(a) That he aspired to be President but his uncompromising sense of right prevented that from happening.
(b) That he got his party's nomination three times but never won a Presidential election.
(c) That his father had been President but he had no such ambitions.
(d) That he would always speak out in such a way that appeared to compromise his beliefs.

3. How did Webster view the Compromise of 1850 in terms of his anti-slavery convictions?
(a) He viewed it as a short-term compromise.
(b) He thought it would give him power to run for President.
(c) He believed that compromise would eventually lead to abolition.
(d) He wanted to bring the prospect of Civil War to a head.

4. On what basis did Edmund G. Ross claim his right not to decide until all the evidence was presented against Johnson.
(a) He was trying to get bribe money for his vote.
(b) He thought it was all a big joke.
(c) He wanted the publicity.
(d) He had taken the oath of impartiality.

5. What Webster speech in the Senate became known by the date it was given?
(a) The Seventh of March speech.
(b) The First of January speech.
(c) The Independence Day speech.
(d) The Christmas Day speech.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Robert A. Taft have in common with John Quincey Adams?

2. Under what law was President Andrew Johnson tried in the Congress?

3. Who was the butcher of New Orleans who was the chief prosecutor in Johnson's impeachment trial?

4. How many votes were needed to convict the President?

5. To whom was Ross compared in a Kansas newspaper editorial?

(see the answer key)

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