The Producers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Producers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Leo and the other accountants sing about?
(a) How they want to rob their boss.
(b) How they dislike their job.
(c) How they like their job.
(d) How nice their boss is.

2. What is Leo's opinion about his accounting clients?
(a) They are incredibly smart.
(b) They are no smarter than he is.
(c) They are generous and will help him finance the musical.
(d) They are terrible people who deserve to be robbed.

3. In act 1, scene 4, what decision does Leo tell Max?
(a) Leo wants to write a musical.
(b) Leo wants to move to Europe.
(c) Leo wants to become Max's secretary.
(d) Leo wants to help Max produce a musical.

4. Who is NOT one of the three old ladies in the beginning of act 1, scene 9?
(a) Kiss Me-Feel Me.
(b) Hold Me-Touch Me.
(c) Lick Me-Bite Me.
(d) Hug Me-Kiss Me.

5. Which character is NOT singing about Max and Leo at the end of act 1, scene 9?
(a) Roger.
(b) Mr. Marks.
(c) Franz.
(d) Ulla.

6. Why does Roger initially refuse to direct the musical?
(a) The topic offends him.
(b) He does not want to deal with any Germans.
(c) He is afraid that he has lost his touch.
(d) He thinks the war matter is too depressing.

7. How do Max and Leo take the oath when Franz is not looking?
(a) They stick out their middle fingers.
(b) They lower their arms.
(c) They cross their fingers.
(d) They switch hands.

8. How does Leo feel about Ulla after meeting her in act 1, scene 8?
(a) He thinks she is dumb.
(b) He thinks her accent is strange.
(c) He cannot stand her.
(d) He is in love with her.

9. Who is Roger hoping to look like for the evening's event in act 1, scene 7?
(a) Madame Butterfly.
(b) Grand Duchess Anastasia.
(c) Franz Liebkind.
(d) Ethel Merman.

10. Why does Max allow the woman to audition ahead of time?
(a) She begs him to let her audition.
(b) He feels sorry for her.
(c) He is attracted to her.
(d) He wants to set her up with Leo.

11. Where is Leo coming from in the beginning of act1, scene 4?
(a) His apartment.
(b) The store.
(c) His office.
(d) The bar.

12. What happens during Leo's fantasy sequence?
(a) Leo sings and dances with chorus girls.
(b) Leo stars in his own Broadway show.
(c) Leo becomes the most succesful director of all time.
(d) Max makes him a millionaire.

13. What does Leo give his boss at the end of act 1, scene 3?
(a) His pencils and accountant's visor.
(b) A script he wrote that Marks can give to Max.
(c) A report about Max's fraudulent spending.
(d) The books from Funny Boy.

14. What does Leo bring out when Max makes him nervous in act 1, scene 2?
(a) His accountant's visor.
(b) His blue blanket.
(c) His lucky pen.
(d) His stress ball.

15. What does Leo say that catches Max's attention in act 1, scene 2?
(a) Done right, a producer could make a lot of money on a bad show.
(b) A producer could double his profit off-Broadway.
(c) A revival of a musical could save money.
(d) A bad show could bankrupt the investors.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time is it at the beginning of act 1, scene 5?

2. What is the backdrop of act 1, Scene 9?

3. What does Franz give Max and Leo to wear?

4. In what event will Max approve Leo's request in act 1, scene 5?

5. What was Max once considered prior to this show?

(see the answer keys)

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