Prodigal Summer: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prodigal Summer: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom is Lowell afraid of?
(a) Lois.
(b) Mary Edna.
(c) Hannie-Mavis.
(d) Big Rickie.

2. When Jewel gets sick in the garden, what does Lusa give her?
(a) A cold cloth.
(b) Pain medication.
(c) A hug.
(d) A ride home.

3. What wakes Deanna up from a nap, in Chapter 19?
(a) A shot.
(b) Eddie kissing her.
(c) Barking dogs.
(d) Hawk cry.

4. In their childhood, Deanna and Rachel played in what?
(a) Tents.
(b) Caves.
(c) The backyard.
(d) Trees.

5. In Chapter 26, whom is the Forest Service agent looking for?
(a) Nannie.
(b) Deanna.
(c) Garrett.
(d) Eddie.

Short Answer Questions

1. What direction is the other family, which the coyote senses, coming from?

2. Who is coming to visit Garrett, that has him excited?

3. What is covering Lusa's garage?

4. In Chapter 27, what energizes Lusa?

5. What is Deanna afraid of, in Chapter 29?

Short Essay Questions

1. What realizations does Deanna have, alone in a rainstorm, in Chapter 29?

2. How does Garnett embarrass himself in Chapter 28?

3. In Chapter 30, Lusa is finally beginning to feel like what?

4. Why is the first cold day a day that Deanna will never forget?

5. What reasons does Lusa give Jewel for wanting to adopt her children?

6. Why does Deanna think that falling trees will never crush her cabin?

7. What does the snake, leaving the cabin, symbolize for Deanna, in Chapter 22?

8. Garnett has previously ignored his doctor's suggestion to have cataract surgery but is now reconsidering. Why?

9. What does Hannie-Mavis tell Lusa is the real reason that Cole's family does not seem to embrace her?

10. In Chapter 18, Lusa spends quality time with Crys. What are some things that she finds out about her?

(see the answer keys)

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