Prodigal Summer: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prodigal Summer: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the reason that Lusa gives Crys for keeping the farm, in Chapter 21?
(a) To prove that she can do it.
(b) Cole's memory.
(c) Ghosts.
(d) She needs something that is all hers.

2. What does Nannie call the greatest invention of life?
(a) Apple trees.
(b) Mountains.
(c) Family.
(d) Sex.

3. What does Nannie not "take much stock in"?
(a) Global warming.
(b) Fate.
(c) Miracles.
(d) War.

4. According to Nannie, there is nothing as important as having what?
(a) Children.
(b) Variety.
(c) Love.
(d) Food.

5. What does Deanna feel is a human mistake?
(a) Organized religion.
(b) Hunting.
(c) Solitude.
(d) Hypocrisy.

6. What is Garnett gradually realizing about Nannie?
(a) His feelings for her.
(b) She is religious.
(c) She is crazy.
(d) She is a good baker.

7. What kind of berries do coyotes like?
(a) Strawberries.
(b) Boysenberries.
(c) Gooseberries.
(d) Blackberries.

8. What is the shape of Nannie's shingles?
(a) Heart.
(b) Round.
(c) Square.
(d) Rectangle.

9. What does Deanna say is the reason that she likes to watch birds?
(a) They are a perfect example of total grace.
(b) They are beautiful.
(c) They do something different every fifteen minutes.
(d) They are constantly on the move.

10. Why does Lusa think her garden looks different from other people's?
(a) Most of it has died.
(b) She is an outsider.
(c) She does not really know what she is doing.
(d) The weeds have taken over.

11. What does Crys said that Lois calls Lusa?
(a) Gold miner.
(b) Young tart.
(c) Fancy lady.
(d) Sloppy.

12. How tall are the lilacs in Lusa's yard?
(a) 15 feet.
(b) 30 feet.
(c) 20 feet.
(d) 10 feet.

13. Who is Lusa spending time with, in Chapter 21?
(a) Crys and Lowell.
(b) Lois.
(c) Little Rickie.
(d) Jewel.

14. Jewel says that her painkillers make her stupid as a what?
(a) Dirt.
(b) A board.
(c) A cow.
(d) A rock.

15. What condition does Lusa have to treat in her herd?
(a) Hoof rot.
(b) Worms.
(c) Scabies.
(d) Bloat.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is covering Lusa's garage?

2. What is the rumor around town about Lusa?

3. In Chapter 24, Jewel is talking about dying. What is one thing that she will regret not seeing?

4. How old is Deanna?

5. What does Deanna finally admit to herself, in Chapter 25?

(see the answer keys)

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