Private Lives Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Private Lives Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Amanda tell Victor she did to Elyot while they were married?
(a) Amanda cheated on Elyot.
(b) Amanda threw Elyot out of their house.
(c) Amanda threw furniture at Elyot.
(d) Amanda broke four records over Elyot's head.

2. What does Amanda tell Victor in the first act that frightens him?
(a) Amanda claims to be unreliable and complex.
(b) Amanda plans to run away with Elyot.
(c) Amanda wants to get a sunburn on the beach.
(d) Amanda wishes to gamble all night.

3. Who says, "I think very few people are completely normal really, deep down in their private lives?"
(a) Elyot.
(b) Victor.
(c) Amanda.
(d) Sibyl.

4. When Sibyl and Victor leave, what do Amanda and Elyot do with the cocktails?
(a) They dump the drinks out.
(b) They share the ones on Elyot's side and toast the new spouses.
(c) Amanda throws her drink on Elyot.
(d) They drink both sets of cocktails.

5. What does Elyot and Amanda conclude about their past relationship?
(a) Their relationship was not nearly as passionate as they remember.
(b) Their relationship was perfect.
(c) They had nothing but terrible times in their lives together.
(d) They had many wonderful times together.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Sibyl's nickname for Elyot?

2. What does Elyot tell Amanda before he tries to leave the terrace?

3. Who is the oldest character of the four introduced in Act I?

4. How long have Amanda and Elyot been divorced at the start of the play?

5. When fighting with Sibyl, what does Elyot say infuriates him more than anything?

Short Essay Questions

1. Elyot remarks to Sibyl that, "Apart from loving me and all that, you must have plans." What does he mean by that and why would he accuse Sibyl of it?

2. Why do Amanda and Elyot choose Paris to run away to?

3. Why do Elyot and Amanda both lie to their spouses about the reasons they should leave the hotel instead of just telling the truth?

4. Amanda describes her marriage to Elyot as, "two violent acids bubbling about in a nasty little matrimonial bottle." Why would she use those words and what images do they provoke?

5. What does Elyot mean when he claims that he and Amanda were too in love for their relationship to last?

6. What does Elyot's pastime of traveling the world imply about his character?

7. When discussing the possibility of getting a sunburn, Amanda remarks to Victor, "I did so hope our honeymoon was going to be progressive" in response to his declaration that he could not love her anymore than he already does. What does this statement portend about Amanda's views on relationships, particularly her marriage to Victor?

8. What would be the best way to describe the relationship between each of the married couples?

9. Why would Victor say to Amanda that she was frightening him?

10. Why does Sibyl keep asking Elyot about Amanda?

(see the answer keys)

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