Private Lives Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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Private Lives Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Amanda and Elyot send Louise home?
(a) Louise has a cold.
(b) Amanda and Elyot want more privacy.
(c) Louise is needed by her family.
(d) Louise is drinking the brandy.

2. What brings about the first use of Amanda and Elyot's special code?
(a) Amanda tells Elyot he should call Sibyl.
(b) Amanda thinks Elyot has had too much to drink.
(c) Amanda talks about Victor's good qualities.
(d) Amanda reveals that she was not celibate after the divorce.

3. After their tiff over affairs, what do Amanda and Elyot do?
(a) Dance and make nonsense small talk.
(b) Dance silently.
(c) Sing together.
(d) Make love.

4. Which character says "I like a man to be a man?"
(a) Victor.
(b) Amanda.
(c) Elyot.
(d) Sibyl.

5. Why do Amanda and Elyot choose to flee to Amanda's flat?
(a) It is in the country.
(b) It is where Amanda and Elyot used to live together.
(c) It is back home.
(d) Victor does not know where it is.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Elyot and Amanda spend their honeymoon?

2. After the phone call, Amanda is worrying about her future with Elyot and what should happen when their spouses find them. What does Elyot urge her to do to calm her fears?

3. What does Amanda say they must do before they leave for Paris?

4. What does Elyot sarcastically say he is surprised Amanda never did?

5. At the end of Act II, Victor and Sibyl walk into Amanda's apartment to find what?

(see the answer key)

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