Private Lives Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Private Lives Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Amanda tell Victor she did to Elyot while they were married?
(a) Amanda threw Elyot out of their house.
(b) Amanda broke four records over Elyot's head.
(c) Amanda threw furniture at Elyot.
(d) Amanda cheated on Elyot.

2. After the phone call, Amanda is worrying about her future with Elyot and what should happen when their spouses find them. What does Elyot urge her to do to calm her fears?
(a) Elyot suggests she has another drink.
(b) Elyot suggests she call Victor and apologize.
(c) Elyot reminds her that, in the eyes of the Catholic Church, they were never divorced.
(d) Elyot tells her to not take life too seriously.

3. Who says, "Flippancy brings out the acid in their damned sweetness and light."
(a) Victor.
(b) Elyot.
(c) Amanda.
(d) Sibyl.

4. Where does Act II take place?
(a) Elyot's country home.
(b) Amanda's flat in Paris.
(c) The hotel from Act I.
(d) Elyot's flat in Paris.

5. When Sibyl and Victor leave, what do Amanda and Elyot do with the cocktails?
(a) They drink both sets of cocktails.
(b) They dump the drinks out.
(c) They share the ones on Elyot's side and toast the new spouses.
(d) Amanda throws her drink on Elyot.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the very end of the second act, where are Amanda and Elyot?

2. In Act I, Sibyl asks Elyot about Amanda. According to Elyot, what does Amanda do beautifully that Sibyl can not do?

3. What does Amanda say they must do before they leave for Paris?

4. What does Elyot refer to as "laughable?"

5. What does Amanda do when she realizes Elyot is in the hotel?

(see the answer key)

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