Private Peaceful Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Private Peaceful Test | Final Test - Medium

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Charlie refuse to do?
(a) Salute Hanley.
(b) Split from Thomas.
(c) Stay off the front lines.
(d) Jump through Hanley's hoops.

2. How do Charlie and Thomas sleep at their new assignment?
(a) In foxholes.
(b) In small bunkers.
(c) In barrels cut in half.
(d) Standing up.

3. How long does Thomas wait hoping Charlie appears?
(a) Several days.
(b) A couple hours.
(c) A week.
(d) A night and day.

4. How does the Colonel threaten Thomas' family?
(a) He says he will kick them out of the cottage if Charlie does not enlist.
(b) He says he will raise their rent if Charlie keeps telling lies about the Colonel.
(c) He does not threaten the family because he's in love with Thomas' mother.
(d) He says he will force Big Joe into an institution if Charlie does not enlist.

5. What does Thomas wonder when they are first in the German's lines?
(a) Why it is so neat.
(b) How the Germans manage to have dry trenches.
(c) Where everyone is.
(d) Why their food smells so much better than theirs.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old does the Army think Thomas is?

2. What does Thomas say he plans to do?

3. What happens when Thomas falls?

4. What is Sergeant Hanely's nickname?

5. What did Thomas used to do at The Duke that he no longer does?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Thomas do on his one day of leave and why does that leave him feeling empty inside?

2. What happens to Charlie when they return to their own lines?

3. How does Thomas experience some of the gas and what happens when a German soldier sees Thomas?

4. How does Charlie bring Sergeant Hanley's wrath down on the regiment?

5. What happens when the next wave of shelling stops?

6. While in Wipers, what does the company do for two whole days?

7. Why is Molly at Charlie and Thomas' house one day when they return from work and what has she brought with her?

8. What does Thomas wait for for a night and day and what is the outcome?

9. How do Charlie, Thomas, and the rest of the regiment feel about the war during training?

10. What news does Molly announce and how does Charlie respond?

(see the answer keys)

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