Private Peaceful Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Private Peaceful Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Thomas worried about in this first memory?
(a) Falling off the bike.
(b) His father.
(c) School.
(d) His brother.

2. Where do Molly and Charlie begin to work?
(a) A factory.
(b) The Colonel's house.
(c) A cattle ranch.
(d) A dairy farm.

3. What does Charlie promise Thomas?
(a) That Thomas will love school.
(b) That their father will come back home.
(c) To take care of Thomas.
(d) That their mother is going to be well.

4. What is Thomas Peaceful determined not to do?
(a) Be angry at his father.
(b) Be mean to his brother.
(c) Let his mother force him to sleep.
(d) Sleep this night.

5. For what does the Colonel think Charlie should be held accountable?
(a) The loss of the Colonel's best fishing rod.
(b) The loss of the Colonel's best pair of fencing cutters.
(c) The time Charlie did not work the day before when he stole Bertha.
(d) Charlie's thieving ways.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Bertha buried?

2. What does Molly's mother say about Charlie's letters to Molly?

3. What do Charlie and Thomas do every Saturday until Christmas Eve?

4. When does Grandma Wolf smack Big Joe because of his fondness for certain animals?

5. What does Big Joe after Bertha's burial?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who searches for Big Joe and where do they find him?

2. What happens to Bertha?

3. What future does Molly read in the gravel for her and the boys.

4. Why is Thomas glad to be working at the same farm as Charlie?

5. What happens when the Colonel arrives at the cottage the morning after Charlie steals Bertha?

6. Describe Thomas and Charlie's poaching experience.

7. What is the story of the harvest mouse?

8. What does Big Joe do after Bertha's funeral and why isn't anyone worried?

9. How does Thomas and Charlie get rid of the food they do not like?

10. How does Big Joe feel about food and what is his favorite food?

(see the answer keys)

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