Private Peaceful Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Private Peaceful Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Thomas go to see on leave?
(a) Charlie.
(b) No one.
(c) Anna.
(d) His friend who is still recovering from wounds.

2. Who else suffers as a result of Charlie's refusal?
(a) No one.
(b) Molly since Charlie never gets leave.
(c) Charlie's squad.
(d) The entire regiment.

3. What is Thomas doing when someone yells that gas is coming?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Writing a letter home.
(c) Eating.
(d) On guard duty.

4. Why can't Thomas go anywhere?
(a) They are surrounded by the enemy.
(b) He is blind.
(c) His leg is broken.
(d) He is wounded too badly.

5. What does Thomas try not to do concerning Charlie or Molly?
(a) Wish they would move away.
(b) Daydream about Charlie dying and Thomas marrying Molly.
(c) Be alone with either of them.
(d) Be jealous.

6. What seems to be briefly forgotten right after Big Joe is found?
(a) Old grudges.
(b) Grandma Wolf.
(c) Big Joe's irritating behaviors.
(d) Bertha.

7. What happens to Hanley?
(a) He is killed.
(b) He returns to the trench where Charlie and Thomas are.
(c) He is badly wounded.
(d) He is captured.

8. What does Molly bring with her when she comes to visit Charlie at his house?
(a) A note from her parents.
(b) A kitten.
(c) A puppy.
(d) Her luggage.

9. Once Thomas is back from leave, how far does the wave of advancing Germans get when the shelling stops?
(a) To the middle of the back lines.
(b) Not even to the barbed wire.
(c) Into the Allied trenches.
(d) They do not push forward.

10. What does Charlie refuse to do?
(a) Stay off the front lines.
(b) Salute Hanley.
(c) Jump through Hanley's hoops.
(d) Split from Thomas.

11. How does Charlie feel about what Molly tells him?
(a) He is angry.
(b) He is depressed.
(c) He is happy.
(d) He does not believe it.

12. What happens when Charlie and Thomas get to France?
(a) They are split up.
(b) They are given non-combat assignments.
(c) They are both sent to work in the kitchens.
(d) They have to face the truth of the war.

13. What is the outcome of the trial?
(a) Charlie is found not guilty.
(b) Charlie is sentenced to ten years at hard labor.
(c) Charlie does not have a trial.
(d) Charlie is sentenced to death.

14. What happens when the Germans go into retreat?
(a) Thomas' company starts celebrating.
(b) Thomas' company stands in a stupor.
(c) Thomas' company is ordered to stand down.
(d) Thomas' company is ordered to pursue.

15. Who does Thomas see when he returns from leave?
(a) Charlie.
(b) A boy his age who he went to school with.
(c) Anna's sister.
(d) Hanley.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where part of Thomas' body gets wounded?

2. On what day does Charlie say he was born?

3. What does the sergeant tell Charlie?

4. How long does Thomas wait hoping Charlie appears?

5. What does Molly tell Charlie?

(see the answer keys)

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