Prisoner's Dilemma Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

William Poundstone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prisoner's Dilemma Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

William Poundstone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the last name of von Neumann's first wife?
(a) Alois.
(b) Clarke.
(c) Morgenstern.
(d) Koevesi.

2. In prisoner's dilemma, if either criminal confesses before the other the police promise to do what?
(a) Give both prisoners a lighter sentence.
(b) Drop all charges against that prisoner.
(c) Give that prisoner a lighter sentence.
(d) Set that prisoner free.

3. What was the bomb called that von Neumann developed which became the basis for later nuclear device development?
(a) The "trapdoor."
(b) The "bully" bomb.
(c) The ICBMs.
(d) The "fat man" bomb.

4. As a child prodigy, besides learning mathematics and other subjects, von Neumann also learned what language?
(a) Greek.
(b) Arabic.
(c) Tagalog.
(d) Portuguese.

5. In what century did Kriegspiel become popular among the Prussians?
(a) 20th.
(b) 17th.
(c) 18th.
(d) 19th.

Short Answer Questions

1. Prussians issued Kriegspiel to every ____.

2. What war between the Allied and Axis powers was going on when von Neumann was invited to become part of the Manhattan Project?

3. Who had John Stuart Mill briefly as a tutor?

4. Tic-tac-toe, like the game of ____ , has a finite number of ways it can be played, which can be calculated by a computer.

5. When the equilibrium solution is used in the prisoner's dilemma game model it leads to mutual ____.

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the details of one of the ethical dilemmas described in Chapter 1 of "Prisoner's Dilemma"?

2. Why did Bertrand Russell suggest and believe in the merits of preemptive nuclear war?

3. What kind of studies did RAND conduct?

4. What is game theory according to Chapter 1 of "Prisoner's Dilemma?"

5. Who is John Nash?

6. Who are Mariette, Marianna, and Klara?

7. What was the Princeton social scene like while von Neumann was at IAS?

8. Who is Merrill Flood?

9. What is a minimax solution and saddle points?

10. Where is von Neumann from and why was he considered a child prodigy?

(see the answer keys)

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