Prisoner's Dilemma Test | Final Test - Easy

William Poundstone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prisoner's Dilemma Test | Final Test - Easy

William Poundstone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which game is also known as an "assurance game?"
(a) Kriegspiel.
(b) Stag Hunt.
(c) Chicken.
(d) Deadlock.

2. In a game of chicken, what happens if both parties swerve simultaneously?
(a) A vote determines the winner.
(b) Neither is the chicken.
(c) They both win.
(d) They have to start over.

3. In what year did the U.S. get good evidence of Soviet nuclear capability?
(a) 1943.
(b) 1949.
(c) 1946.
(d) 1955.

4. An organism that can adapt to changing circumstances over long periods of time has developed ____.
(a) A defection strategy.
(b) A natural strategy.
(c) An equal strategy.
(d) A stable strategy.

5. Which two person game is similar to Prisoner's Dilemma except that in this game there is no reason to cooperate?
(a) Stagh Hunt.
(b) Deadlock.
(c) Bully.
(d) Kriegspiel.

6. Who developed SAGE?
(a) Hilbert.
(b) von Neumann.
(c) Godel.
(d) Nash.

7. Which game has a madman strategy?
(a) Prisoner's Dilemma.
(b) Bully.
(c) Deadlock.
(d) Chicken.

8. Who was President of the United States when the nuclear debate came to a head and a study resulted to determine how many bombs the U.S. actually had?
(a) Nixon.
(b) Roosevelt.
(c) Eisenhower.
(d) Truman.

9. Over the years variations on the Ohio study have included variables in gender, race and ____.
(a) Eye color.
(b) Education.
(c) Car ownership.
(d) Books read.

10. What was the name of the Russian spy working in Britain that helped leak key nuclear information to help Russia become nuclear capable quicker?
(a) Bela Kun.
(b) Klaus Fuchs.
(c) David Hilbert.
(d) Kurt Godel.

11. Due to his deteriorating health von Neumann was confined to a wheelchair in ___.
(a) 1949.
(b) 1956.
(c) 1953.
(d) 1950.

12. When a madman strategy is used by one player the opposing player is more likely to do what?
(a) Swerve.
(b) Defect.
(c) Cooperate.
(d) Confess.

13. In what month did von Neumann die?
(a) May.
(b) February.
(c) January.
(d) October.

14. When did the initial interest in game theory begin to wane?
(a) Mid-1950s.
(b) Early 1960s.
(c) Late 1940s.
(d) End of 19th century.

15. In which game is defection the best strategy for either player?
(a) Chicken.
(b) Stag Hunt.
(c) Divide the Cake.
(d) Prisoner's Dilemma.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was the Russian spy born who was instrumental in helping Russia achieve nuclear capability?

2. In what year was von Neumann appointed Atomic Energy Commissioner?

3. In what year did von Neumann slip and fall after being appointed commissioner?

4. Who was viewed as the "aggressors of peace?"

5. What strategy was the most successful during Axelrod's tournaments?

(see the answer keys)

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