Prisoner B-3087 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alan Gratz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prisoner B-3087 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alan Gratz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Yanek's first sign that his parents may have been captured by the Nazis?
(a) He believes he sees them being led away.
(b) He finds a note they had left for him.
(c) He returns to the pigeon coop to find them missing.
(d) Uncle Abraham says he had seen them being led away.

2. How old is the protagonist when the Germans invade his community?
(a) 12.
(b) 10.
(c) 8.
(d) 14.

3. What type of structure becomes a home for Yanek and his family beginning in Chapter 5?
(a) A custodial closet.
(b) An underground bunker.
(c) A utility room.
(d) A pigeon coop.

4. Which group of Yanek's family members argues with Oskar about his estimate of the war's length?
(a) Yanek's grandparents.
(b) Yanek's cousins.
(c) Yanek's uncles.
(d) Yanek's brothers.

5. Yanek spends which years inside the Plaszow concentration camp?
(a) 1944-1945.
(b) 1942-1943.
(c) 1940-1941.
(d) 1941-1945.

Short Answer Questions

1. Across the street from Yanek's family's apartment building lies what kind of temporary institution?

2. What is the name of Yanek's mother and Oskar's wife?

3. At the end of Chapter 3, what action does Yanek take for the first time?

4. What sound causes Yanek's mother to nearly scream and give away the family's location in the pigeon coop?

5. Oskar tells the rest of the family that the war that would come to be called World War II would last how long?

Short Essay Questions

1. What possible career path does Yanek imagine for himself within the opening chapters of the novel?

2. After what event in the narrative does Yanek state, "If I had only known then what I know now, I would have run" (3)?

3. In what way does Gratz demonstrate the importance of religious beliefs and traditions within Yanek's family?

4. In what way does Yanek discover that his Uncle Moshe is alive?

5. How does Gratz employ foreshadowing in association with Mina's wedding ring?

6. In Chapter 8, Yanek and his father begin to leave the pigeon coop each day for what purpose?

7. What is Uncle Moshe's ultimate fate and how does Yanek discover it?

8. How does Yanek contrast his own reaction to the closing of his school with the reactions of his peers?

9. How does Yanek acquire 2,000 units of the currency called zloty?

10. Which of Yanek's family members teaches him about the importance of remaining invisible?

(see the answer keys)

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