Prisoner B-3087 Test | Final Test - Easy

Alan Gratz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prisoner B-3087 Test | Final Test - Easy

Alan Gratz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name do the prisoners at Birkenau bestow upon the new addition to camp that is officially called "new camp B III" (136)?
(a) Hawaii.
(b) Baja.
(c) Haiti.
(d) Mexico.

2. At the end of Chapter 19, Yanek thinks he may be losing his mind when he hears the sound of what?
(a) Bombing.
(b) Ocean waves.
(c) Singing.
(d) His mother's voice.

3. How many days are the prisoners into their journey from Auschwitz to Sachsenhausen when Yanek begins to help a fellow prisoner keep going?
(a) 9 or 10.
(b) 6 or 7.
(c) 3 or 4.
(d) 12 or 13.

4. In what year is Yanek moved to the Trzebinia concentration camp?
(a) 1944.
(b) 1942.
(c) 1947.
(d) 1939.

5. With what type of weapon does the kapo hit both Fred and Yanek in Chapter 20?
(a) A baseball bat.
(b) A ladle.
(c) A hammer.
(d) A club.

6. The man who claims to have the last name of Finkelstein turns out to have inhabited which position in the past?
(a) A Judenrat police officer.
(b) An SS guard.
(c) A tailor.
(d) A kapo.

7. Into which of Yanek's limbs do the Nazis at Birkenau tattoo Yanek's prisoner number, B-3087?
(a) His right arm.
(b) His left calf.
(c) The back of his neck.
(d) His left arm.

8. When Yanek reaches the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, he must sleep in a single bunk with how many other men?
(a) 2.
(b) 5.
(c) 3.
(d) 4.

9. What is NOT a physical characteristic of the prisoner who steps in to help Yanek support the weight of his fellow prisoner on the trip from Auschwitz to Sachsenhausen?
(a) He has sunken and bloodshot eyes.
(b) He has deep cracks in his face.
(c) He has a grizzled beard.
(d) He wears eyeglasses.

10. When Yanek makes his way to the front of the line to see Dr. Mengle at Auschwitz, how old does he claim to be?
(a) 16.
(b) 18.
(c) 14.
(d) 21.

11. The Sachsenhausen concentration camp's gates display the same motto as which other concentration camp in which Yanek has lived?
(a) Wieliczka.
(b) Bergen-Belsen.
(c) Auschwitz.
(d) Plaszow.

12. What are the two different colors of stripes on the prisoners' uniforms at Auschwitz?
(a) Blue and gray.
(b) Blue and red.
(c) White and gray.
(d) Black and white.

13. Once Yanek's first dawn arrives at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, Yanek sees that the camp is littered with what?
(a) Nazi flags.
(b) Personal effects of the dead.
(c) Corpses.
(d) Shell casings.

14. The night after the man claiming to have the surname of Finkelstein dies, Yanek dreams that statues made of what substance come to life?
(a) Iron.
(b) Ice.
(c) Salt.
(d) Copper.

15. Whose advice is Yanek ignoring when he forms a close friendship with Fred?
(a) Uncle Abraham's.
(b) Oskar's.
(c) Uncle Moshe's.
(d) Mina's.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Yanek and the other prisoners enter the gates of Auschwitz, they see a sign announcing that "work is" (148) what?

2. When new prisoners are brought to Auschwitz in Chapter 19, a long-time prisoner whispers to them that any children among them should claim to be what age?

3. Though Yanek knows that he is still a young man when he arrives at Auschwitz, he declares that he appears to be a man of what age?

4. At the end of Chapter 18, Yanek has a dream that which person is chasing him?

5. What method of transportation do Yanek and the other prisoners use to reach the Sachsenhausen concentration camp?

(see the answer keys)

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