Prisoner B-3087 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alan Gratz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prisoner B-3087 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alan Gratz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which member of Yanek's family is he overjoyed to locate within the Plaszow labor camp?
(a) Sala.
(b) Uncle Moshe.
(c) Mina.
(d) Uncle Abraham.

2. When Chapter 6 arrives, how old is Yanek?
(a) 15.
(b) 12.
(c) 13.
(d) 10.

3. What advice does Yanek's family member at Plaszow repeat to him over and over?
(a) Do nothing to stand out.
(b) Be as helpful and kind as possible.
(c) Do not make eye contact with other Jews.
(d) Start planning an escape.

4. At the end of Chapter 3, what action does Yanek take for the first time?
(a) He doubts his father's word.
(b) He lies.
(c) He curses.
(d) He doubts his uncle's word.

5. Which character is the first to greet Yanek and Oskar at the location to which they go after curfew?
(a) Uncle Abraham.
(b) Uncle Moshe.
(c) Aunt Fela.
(d) Mina.

6. In Chapter 4, Oskar relents and takes Yanek out past curfew to what type of location?
(a) A bakery.
(b) A cafeteria.
(c) A synagogue.
(d) A barn.

7. Yanek spends which years inside the Plaszow concentration camp?
(a) 1944-1945.
(b) 1942-1943.
(c) 1941-1945.
(d) 1940-1941.

8. What is the first boon Yanek receives as a result of finding money in Krakow?
(a) Half a loaf of bread.
(b) An egg.
(c) An orange.
(d) A stick of butter.

9. During the two days of Deportation in Krakow, how many thousands of Jewish people are taken away by the Nazis?
(a) 5.
(b) 7.
(c) 4.
(d) 10.

10. Yanek entertains the family in Chapter 1 with the use of which object he had created himself?
(a) A kazoo.
(b) A guitar.
(c) A projector.
(d) A stage.

11. Who is Amon Goeth?
(a) A member of the SS.
(b) The commandant of the labor camp.
(c) The Nazi Party Secretary.
(d) An executioner.

12. What sort of weather is occurring during the trip Yanek and Oskar make outside past curfew in Chapter 4?
(a) Sleet.
(b) Wind.
(c) Snow.
(d) Rain.

13. Yanek's visit to which location saves him from his parents' fate of being taken by the Nazis?
(a) His uncle's bakery.
(b) A synagogue.
(c) A friend's house.
(d) A museum.

14. To what location does Yanek flee whenever the Rosenblum girls begin to argue too loudly in Yanek's family's apartment?
(a) The attic.
(b) The hallway.
(c) The pigeon coop.
(d) The rooftop.

15. How many siblings does Yanek have in the narrative?
(a) 0.
(b) 3.
(c) 4.
(d) 1.

Short Answer Questions

1. What method do the Nazis use to transport Yanek and others when they are taken from the Krakow ghetto?

2. The protagonist goes by the name of Yanek, which is classified as what type of name?

3. On what street do Yanek and his family live in an apartment at the time the narrative begins?

4. How many members of Yanek's family are living within the rooftop pigeon coop at the start of Chapter 7?

5. Yanek tells the reader in Chapter 6 that he would trade "a week's worth of rations" (37) for one serving of which food prepared by his mother?

(see the answer keys)

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