Princess Sultana's Daughters Test | Final Test - Hard

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Princess Sultana's Daughters Test | Final Test - Hard

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the purpose of the Wonder Garment?

2. How did Kareem feel about what Abdullah did with the additional item/s he took from the family safe?

3. Why did Sultana believe that Amani's upbringing was the reason for the changes in her behavior?

4. How did Reema look when Sultana and her sisters came to visit her?

5. How did Fatma's family react to Sultana's intrusion into their lives?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the main reason why Abdullah's friend, Jafer, and Fayza were forbidden to marry.

2. In the Epilogue, the sisters all gathered to remember their mother and to catch up on each other's lives. What did they learn had become of both Ali's wife, Nada, and their sister, Reema?

3. Fatma, Sultana's permanent housekeeper in Cairo, told Sultana about a dream she had. What was the message of the dream and how did Sultana interpret the message?

4. When Sultana and her family arrived in Monaco to share a rented mansion villa with Sultana's sisters, why were the sisters in a state of anxiety and great sadness?

5. In the opening scene of Chapter 8, Sultana broke up an argument between her children over a newspaper. Explain why the newspaper was such a hot topic for the siblings.

6. After the family's holy pilgrimage, a sandstorm prohibited them from returning to Riyadh and they travel to their vacation home in Jeddah. Explain how Jeddah was different from Riyadh in regard to its restrictions on women.

7. Due to the stress of what was happening with her children in the beginning of Chapter 9, Sultana developed what some call a "nervous twitch." Explain how Sultana's stress manifested itself into this "nervous twitch" and what type it was.

8. Despite their love being forbidden, Jafer and Fayza found ways to be together. Explain how the two hid their relationship but still maintained contact.

9. Sultana blamed Amani's upbringing for her extreme religious conversion. Explain the differences in the economic climate between the time of Sultana's childhood and that of Amani.

10. With Abdullah's efforts to reunite Jafer and Fayza, what was the final outcome for the two forbidden lovers?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Recall Amani's animal obsession. To what extent did Amani go to acquire animals for her collection? How did her family deal with her love of animals? What ultimatum did her family give her after her love of animals turned to obsession?

Essay Topic 2

Explain the various actions Abdullah took to help Jafer and Fayza be together. What parts of Abdullah's upbringing likely caused him to feel compelled to help the two be together?

Essay Topic 3

When Sultana, her husband and Aisha's father all agreed that Maha and Aisha should no longer socialize, Maha flew into a rage and caused her parents to seek psychiatric help for their disturbed daughter. Explain the story of the harem girl that Maha told to her psychiatrist and its implications.

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