Princess Sultana's Daughters Test | Final Test - Medium

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Princess Sultana's Daughters Test | Final Test - Medium

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What warning did Fatma share with Sultana because of a dream she had?
(a) That Sultana must pack immediately and leave Cairo to be safe.
(b) That her daughter, Amani, was becoming an extremist religious terrorist.
(c) That Sultana must cool her anger over women's issues or face great unhappiness.
(d) That Kareem was a bad man and she must be watchful and wary of him.

2. As Sultana's brother, Ali, drove the sisters to visit Reema, what opinion did Ali share?
(a) That Reema should be punished for what she did.
(b) That Reema was partly responsible for what had happened to her.
(c) That Reema was too weak to leave her husband and deserved what she got.
(d) That Reema was smart to leave her husband before she got hurt.

3. When Amani began to invite friends and extended family over for meetings, what was the purpose?
(a) To practice witchcraft secretly.
(b) For prayer.
(c) For discussing ways to look and dress more like Americans.
(d) For planning a revolution.

4. After leaving Cairo, the family traveled to Monaco to share a villa with Sultana's sisters. What was the sisters' mood when they arrived?
(a) Anger and resentment.
(b) Sadness and anxiety.
(c) Joyful celebration.
(d) Polite but distant, like strangers.

5. In the aftermath of Abdullah's grand plan, how did Sultana feel about Kareem?
(a) She believed he was hard-headed and old-fashioned, but she was lucky to have him.
(b) She realized that she was wrong and begged him to forgive her.
(c) She was furious with him for his suspicions and threateded to leave him.
(d) She felt that his betrayal was the "final straw" and made plans to divorce him.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the same time that Sultana was dealing with problems with her children, what trouble was Sara having with her daughter, Nashwa?

2. After what event did Sultana and her family rest in their villa in Cairo?

3. Where did Sultana and her sisters go to visit Reema?

4. What news of Reema did the family learn when they arrived in Monaco?

5. After the family's holy pilgrimage, they wished to return to Riyadh, but what forced them to delay the trip home?

Short Essay Questions

1. In addition to other important items, it was revealed that Abdullah also took nearly one million dollars in cash from the family safe. Explain what Abdullah did with that money and how Kareem felt about it.

2. With Abdullah's efforts to reunite Jafer and Fayza, what was the final outcome for the two forbidden lovers?

3. Sultana had very specific feelings and thoughts about her husband, Kareem, throughout the course of Chapter 9. What were some of her feelings and thoughts, and how did she ultimately feel about being married to a man like Kareem?

4. Due to the stress of what was happening with her children in the beginning of Chapter 9, Sultana developed what some call a "nervous twitch." Explain how Sultana's stress manifested itself into this "nervous twitch" and what type it was.

5. Despite their love being forbidden, Jafer and Fayza found ways to be together. Explain how the two hid their relationship but still maintained contact.

6. When Sultana went to speak with Fatma's daughter, what was the outcome?

7. Sultana blamed Amani's upbringing for her extreme religious conversion. Explain the differences in the economic climate between the time of Sultana's childhood and that of Amani.

8. Amani learned of a horrible family secret involving Ali's son, Majed. Explain what happened to the woman in the hospital and how Majed was involved.

9. When the sisters went to visit with Reema, how did her husband, Saleem, react when he saw Reema's condition?

10. Describe Saleem's attack on Reema and the outcome for Reema.

(see the answer keys)

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