Princess Sultana's Daughters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Princess Sultana's Daughters Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Kareem confronted Noorah about her interactions with Maha, how did Sultana feel about Noorah's despair?
(a) Sultana was angry with Kareem for causing his mother pain.
(b) Sultana was devastated that her mother-in-law was hurt.
(c) Sultana took pleasure in Noorah's despair.
(d) Sultana was furious with Maha.

2. Before the family's pilgrimage in Chapter 4, how often had they made the trip as a group, previously?
(a) Once every decade.
(b) Only once when the children were small.
(c) Never.
(d) Every year.

3. How did Amani's love of animals test her family's patience?
(a) They worried she would be arrested and stoned to death.
(b) She would only talk to the animals.
(c) She let them wander throughout the house, causing damage.
(d) She took in strays and fed them human food.

4. What was Sultana's biggest worry with the publication of her first book?
(a) That the king would be angry with her.
(b) That her identity would be revealed.
(c) That her sisters would be punished for her actions.
(d) That she would be exiled from the country.

5. What did Maha's shocking statement at the end of Chapter 2 convince her parents to do?
(a) Lock her in her room in complete seclusion.
(b) Take her to a psychiatrist.
(c) Give her more freedoms because she showed great maturity.
(d) Send her to a boarding school.

6. During what season of the Muslim faith did Sultana and her family make the holy pilgrimage?
(a) Mecca.
(b) Ramadan.
(c) Lent.
(d) Haj.

7. A year after meeting Yousif after the pilgrimage, what did the family learn had happened to him?
(a) He was stoned to death for killing his infant daughter.
(b) He was arrested for being the leader of a terrorist organization.
(c) He wed two teenage virgins and divorced them both after a year.
(d) He started a freedom movement in the Middle East to help women gain equality and was exiled from Saudi Arabia.

8. In the sad story of Sultana's cousin, what was the main conflict?
(a) She was wrongly accused of adultery and held in the women's room until she died.
(b) She was married to an older man and took a forbidden lover.
(c) She was the 19th wife of an elderly Saudi man who abused her.
(d) She was an American trapped in Saudi Arabia and held against her will.

9. In the sad story of Sultana's cousin, what memorable act did the woman attempt?
(a) She kidnapped her driver at gunpoint and made him drive her to the airport.
(b) She told her husband she was going shopping and actually fled the country with only a passport and a few posessions.
(c) She faked her death and tried to escape the country dressed as a man.
(d) She contacted the authorities in the United States and begged them to rescue her.

10. With the publication of her first book, Princess, what was Sultana's biggest regret?
(a) That it ruined her marriage.
(b) That she lost custody of her children.
(c) That her father never spoke to her again.
(d) That the book was a slap in the face to King Fahd.

11. To what city did Sultana and her family make the traditional pilgrimage of the Muslim faith?
(a) Mecca.
(b) Baharain.
(c) Jeddah.
(d) Riyadh.

12. Why did Kareem's attitude toward the pilgrimage exasperate Sultana?
(a) He was not interested in going.
(b) He always scheduled the trip and then canceled the plans at the last minute.
(c) He always insisted on going alone and would not allow Sultana to accompany him.
(d) He demanded that the family attend, even if they were not interested.

13. Arriving at the location of the holy pilgrimage, what was the name of the tent city the family encountered?
(a) Pilgrim's Terminal.
(b) Faithful Resting Place.
(c) Prayer Oasis.
(d) Holy Retreat.

14. When Kareem and Sultana met with Aisha's father, what did the families decide about Maha and Aisha?
(a) That they should stop seeing each other.
(b) That Aisha should come and live with Maha's family where she would have a better life.
(c) That they should both go into therapy together.
(d) That Maha was a positive influence that Aisha really needed.

15. What unique attitude toward women's rights did Sultana's daughter Amani have?
(a) Unlike her mother, she looked forward to living her life under the control of her husband.
(b) She had no feelings about the plight of women, and wanted only to obey the Koran.
(c) She hated men for their cruelty toward women.
(d) She defended the old ways of Islam.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Reema, from Yemen?

2. To whom did the item (or items) that Maha was taking to work with her belong?

3. When Maha confirmed her family's suspicions about the story she wrote, what aspect of Saudi social life was revealed?

4. When her father revealed a copy of Princess to the family, in which language was his copy written?

5. How did Sultana's daughters react to the stories she told them on the plane?

(see the answer keys)

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