The Princess Bride Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Princess Bride Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. After using the torture machine on Westley for the first time, the Count says that it has taken how much time away from his life?

2. Although Buttercup believes Westley is safe on his ship, in reality he is being what?

3. Why does Buttercup tell Humperdinck that if she must marry him, she will surely be dead by morning?

4. What animals do Inigo and Fezzik find at the first level of the Zoo?

5. Who does the Prince plan to frame after killing Buttercup?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens when Buttercup realizes that Humperdinck never sent out his four fastest ships to search for Westley?

2. To pacify Buttercup, what false offer does Humperdinck make regarding Westley and his pirate ship?

3. After Humperdinck's original plan to have Vizzini kidnap and kill Buttercup goes wrong, why is the Prince happy that his people are so enthralled by Buttercup?

4. How do Inigo, Westley, and Fezzik gain access to the key that grants them entry into the castle?

5. Describe what Westley means when he tells Humperdinck they will not fight to the death, but instead will fight to the pain.

6. What is the Machine?

7. Why does Miracle Max agree to help Inigo and Fezzik in their attempt to bring their dead friend back to life?

8. Summarize the deadly battle between Inigo Montoya and Count Rugen.

9. Describe what happens when Inigo and Fezzik reach the third level of the Zoo of Death.

10. Goldman's father always ended the book with, "And they lived happily ever after." But Goldman says he has his own theories about what happens after the escape from the castle. What are they?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Westley goes through several transformations in the story, taking on the roles of farm boy, pirate, and a mysterious man in black. Describe who he is during each major phase of his life. Include his goals, dreams, character traits, skills, outlook on life, and how others view him. What important lessons does he learn as a farm boy? As a pirate? As the man in black coming back to his true love? How has he grown by the end of the book?

Essay Topic 2

Analyze the following themes carried throughout the book:

1. True love.

2. Revenge.

3. The unpredictable side of life.

Essay Topic 3

Compare and contrast the three men who kidnap Buttercup: Inigo, Fezzik, and Vizzini.

1. At a crucial point in the story, Westley replaces Vizzini. What makes Westley the better leader and team player?

2. Even though Inigo and Fezzik start out as enemies of Buttercup and Westley, the four end up good friends. At what point does friendship start to develop? What creates trust between these characters who initially distrust one another?

(see the answer keys)

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