The Princess Bride Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Princess Bride Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Max asks a mostly dead Westley what he has to live for, what response does he hear?
(a) Troo luv.
(b) Wevenge.
(c) Buttwercup.
(d) High advenchoor.

2. When Buttercup has a nightmare about her own birth, what does the midwife say in her dream?
(a) The baby is dead.
(b) The baby is heartless.
(c) Buttercup killed Westley.
(d) Buttercup is evil.

3. Why does Max finally agree to bring Westley back to life?
(a) To bring happiness to Buttercup.
(b) He's in dire need of money.
(c) Out of a sense of curiosity.
(d) To cause the Prince great suffering.

4. How does Inigo recognize the tortured scream as coming from the Man in Black?
(a) Inigo remembers the Man in Black's voice.
(b) Only someone tortured by the machine would make that sound.
(c) Inigo's heart made the same sound when his father was killed.
(d) Inigo's father screamed like that when the six-fingered man killed him.

5. How does Fezzik get rid of the noisy brute who's trying to trick Inigo?
(a) Fights him and wins.
(b) Bonks him on the head.
(c) Tricks him into thinking the Prince sent for him.
(d) Pushes him off the wall.

Short Answer Questions

1. Once Buttercup is married to the Prince and realizes Westley is not coming for her, what does she decide to do?

2. As Fezzik and Inigo descend the stairwell of the Zoo's third level, what captures their free hands and their necks?

3. When Inigo and Fezzik take the Man in Black to Miracle Max, Inigo tries to make up a story. Max says what?

4. Who taunts Fezzik after he is separated from Inigo and finds Vizzini dead?

5. What happens as soon as the miracle pill passes down Westley's throat?

Short Essay Questions

1. After his reunion with Fezzik, why does Inigo want to find the Man in Black?

2. To pacify Buttercup, what false offer does Humperdinck make regarding Westley and his pirate ship?

3. What happens at the moment Buttercup is about to kill herself with a dagger?

4. What does Inigo do once he regains consciousness after his battle with the Man in Black?

5. After Humperdinck's original plan to have Vizzini kidnap and kill Buttercup goes wrong, why is the Prince happy that his people are so enthralled by Buttercup?

6. What happens when Buttercup realizes that Humperdinck never sent out his four fastest ships to search for Westley?

7. What do Fezzik and Inigo find at the first level of the Zoo of Death?

8. Describe what happens when Inigo and Fezzik reach the third level of the Zoo of Death.

9. What is the significance of Buttercup's nightmares?

10. Describe Westley's first experiences at the Zoo of Death.

(see the answer keys)

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