The Prince Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prince Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In his discussion of the qualities of a good leader, how does Machiavelli depart from the accepted rules?
(a) He thinks that if the prince is always good, the people will imitate him.
(b) He accepts the Christian ideals of his time.
(c) He does not accept the idea that a prince must be good in all matters.
(d) He says a prince must always do the will of the people.

2. What did Heiro of Syracuse do when he realized his mercenary troops were worthless?
(a) He refused to pay them.
(b) He hired more mercenaries.
(c) He put them on the front lines to be killed.
(d) He had them cut to pieces.

3. How much of man's fate does Machiavelli ascribe to God and Fortune?
(a) Almost all.
(b) None at all.
(c) Everything.
(d) A little less than half.

4. How can honesty in other people cause the prince to lose respect?
(a) When their honesty is not recognized for what it is.
(b) When people are not afraid of offending the prince by what they say.
(c) When the honesty is really only half truths.
(d) When the prince never believes anything he hears.

5. What metaphor does Machiavelli use to explain his ideas about Fortune?
(a) Fortune as a mistress who always gets the upper hand on man.
(b) We cannot stop a river from overflowing, but we can make provisions against the disaster.
(c) We cannot control the wind and are blown about by it.
(d) The animals know when to seek higher ground even before a flood happens.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Machiavelli suggest is wrong with concepts of an ideal princedom or republic.

2. What does Machiavelli see as an insurmountable chasm?

3. In terms of receiving advice, what is the main thing a prince must remember and do to preserve power.

4. What is the advantage of being miserly?

5. Although Machiavelli says that Pope Julius II was impetuous in all he did, still he succeeded. Why?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Machiavelli caution against disarming the people of a conquered principality?

2. When there is peace outside the principality, what does Machiavelli caution against?

3. Explain how Machiavelli sees the weakness of using auxiliary forces as a military for a princedom.

4. How does Machiavelli say a prince should be like a fox and a lion?

5. Explain Machiavelli's famous statement that is is better to be feared than loved.

6. Outline Machiavelli's position of honesty in a prince.

7. How can a prince gain a reputation for great accomplishments and generosity without bringing about his own ruin?

8. Why does Machiavelli maintain that it is not possible for a prince to embody only good qualities?

9. What is Machiavelli's advice regarding unasked for counsel?

10. Explain Machiavelli's views on rewards and punishments.

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