The Prince Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prince Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Machiavelli suggest is the weakness of a mercenary military?
(a) It is difficult to replace members who decide to return to their homes.
(b) It is too expensive to keep up during peace times.
(c) It works only for pay and may defect to the opposition or simply run away.
(d) It is only useful during times of war.

2. Ending his discussion of Ecclesiastical Dominions, why is Machiavelli so circumspect about the current Pope?
(a) Pope Leo is the uncle of Lorenzo de Medici.
(b) Pope Leo fears Niccolo Machiavelli.
(c) Pope Leo does not support the Medici.
(d) Pope Leo might give Machiavelli a job.

3. What does Machiavelli say will be an advantage to a prince who lost his dominion by force of arms?
(a) The sympathy of the surrounding dominions.
(b) A mishap on the part of the new government.
(c) The tendency of new governments to rely heavily on hereditary princes.
(d) The money he was able to stash away before being invaded.

4. How can a common citizen rise to political power?
(a) Through the help of friends.
(b) As a compromise between two parties.
(c) By popular election.
(d) With a lot of money behind him.

5. What problem faces a prince appointed by the nobles?
(a) The people will only support a prince appointed by the nobles.
(b) The nobles never have the good will of the people which makes for tensions.
(c) The nobles see themselves as his equal and are not inclined to obey him.
(d) The people know they have rights under a price appointed by the nobles.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Machiavelli say that Italy has been overrun by Charles, plundered by Louis, ravished by Ferdinand, and dishonored by the Swiss?

2. What was the motivation for Machiavelli to write THE PRINCE?

3. Machiavelli gives the example of how Cesare Borgia used Minister Remiro d'Orco in his plan to rule Romagna. After d'Orco brought the territory under control, what does Machiavelli say Cesare Borgia did to get the loyalty of the people?

4. What is Machiavelli's example of rule by a sole prince?

5. Aside from humble beginnings, what does Machiavelli say that Agathocles and Oliverotto have in common?

Short Essay Questions

1. What value does Machiavelli put on his gift to Prince Lorenzo de Medici?

2. How did Cesare Borgia hold onto power in Romagna?

3. Describe the conditions that made it possible for Moses, Romulus, Cyrus, and Theseus to be successful in uniting their people.

4. Explain how Machiavelli says Cesare Borgia came to power.

5. Explain how Machiavelli sees the importance of sound laws and a sound military.

6. How does Machiavelli explain a man of his common social standing being qualified to advise a prince?

7. What advantage does the hereditary prince have in maintaining his dominion?

8. What does Machiavelli mean when he says that dominions are obtained by either good Fortune or merit?

9. Why is it easier to rule a princedom than it is to govern a state or republic?

10. Describe the weakness Machiavelli sees with using mercenaries as the primary military strength of the prince.

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