The Prince Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prince Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Machiavelli say a prince should be thinking most about military strategy?
(a) When he visits another prince.
(b) When he is being invaded.
(c) During times of peace.
(d) On hunting expeditions.

2. How much of man's fate does Machiavelli ascribe to God and Fortune?
(a) Everything.
(b) A little less than half.
(c) None at all.
(d) Almost all.

3. Why does Machiavelli say that auxiliary forces are more dangerous than mercenaries?
(a) Auxiliary forces are not considered deserters if they run from war.
(b) Mercenaries can all speak the language of the princedom.
(c) Auxiliary forces may be recalled if their home dominion is attacked.
(d) Auxilaries need less time and opportunity to move against the ruler that employed them.

4. What is more effective than honesty in a prince?
(a) Indifference.
(b) Good looks.
(c) Generosity.
(d) Cunning.

5. Who does Machiavelli assign blame to when a prince loses his dominion?
(a) The prince himself.
(b) The nobility.
(c) The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
(d) The fickleness of the people.

6. Why does Machiavelli insist that a prince recalled by the people after being conquered offers him no security?
(a) It is noble and, therefore, weak.
(b) It does not depend upon the prince himself for success.
(c) It is only a last ditch effort at establishing the dominion.
(d) It is probably only a stop-gap moment.

7. What does Machiavelli say are the two main reasons for a prince to lose his dominion?
(a) Relying on the church and neglecting to read history.
(b) Relying on past experience and not planning for the unexpected.
(c) Relying entirely on fate or making the wrong provisions for expected misfortune.
(d) Relying on himself and not listening to sound advice.

8. What does Machiavelli suggest will be the reaction of the people if he is greedy and seizes property and women?
(a) They will think he is a just ruler.
(b) They will support him.
(c) They will become like him.
(d) They will hate him.

9. What is the advantage of taking sides when both warring factions are weaker than the prince?
(a) He could become a prisoner if he does not.
(b) He will get money from the side he chooses.
(c) He eliminates one and gains the obligation of the other.
(d) He can take over both principalities after the war is over.

10. What does Machiavelli see as an insurmountable chasm?
(a) The reality of the way we live versus the ideas of how we ought to live.
(b) The understanding of the people versus the understanding of the prince.
(c) The difference between the very rich and the very poor.
(d) Idealism and Christian philosophy of living.

11. What causes the people to begin to support the new prince?
(a) Seeing they are well off.
(b) Having audiences with the prince.
(c) Getting surprise gifts from the prince.
(d) Seeing many changes in their daily lives.

12. How can honesty in other people cause the prince to lose respect?
(a) When the honesty is really only half truths.
(b) When the prince never believes anything he hears.
(c) When people are not afraid of offending the prince by what they say.
(d) When their honesty is not recognized for what it is.

13. What can a new prince be assured of?
(a) That no one expects him to do anything unusual.
(b) That he will automatically have the loyalty of his subjects.
(c) That there will be a time of stability in the early days.
(d) That he will be watched closely.

14. What did Heiro of Syracuse do when he realized his mercenary troops were worthless?
(a) He had them cut to pieces.
(b) He refused to pay them.
(c) He hired more mercenaries.
(d) He put them on the front lines to be killed.

15. What historical example does Machiavelli give to show how a military should be organized?
(a) Sparticus and the Roman slaves.
(b) The last days of the Roman Empire.
(c) Phillip, father of Alexander the Great.
(d) Darius, King of Persia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Machiavelli's advice about people who do things that ultimately enrich the princedom?

2. In terms of receiving advice, what is the main thing a prince must remember and do to preserve power.

3. How does Machiavelli define avarice?

4. How does Machiavelli say a private citizen might make himself a prince?

5. Machiavelli's political thought is influenced greatly by the ideas of what?

(see the answer keys)

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