The Prince Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prince Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Heiro of Syracuse do when he realized his mercenary troops were worthless?
(a) He put them on the front lines to be killed.
(b) He refused to pay them.
(c) He hired more mercenaries.
(d) He had them cut to pieces.

2. What causes the people to begin to support the new prince?
(a) Getting surprise gifts from the prince.
(b) Seeing they are well off.
(c) Seeing many changes in their daily lives.
(d) Having audiences with the prince.

3. How can honesty in other people cause the prince to lose respect?
(a) When their honesty is not recognized for what it is.
(b) When people are not afraid of offending the prince by what they say.
(c) When the honesty is really only half truths.
(d) When the prince never believes anything he hears.

4. Why should a prince declare himself as for or against two warring factions?
(a) He should look like he is wiser than other princes.
(b) He will be able to deal with the loser.
(c) He will always know which side will win.
(d) He should not be seen as waivering.

5. How does Machiavelli define auxiliary forces?
(a) Women mercenaries who fight along side of men.
(b) Those borrowed from other principalities to wage war.
(c) The best insurance a prince has for his safety.
(d) Extra manpower that may be called to active duty during a war.

6. What, according to Machiavelli, is better than actually having all the good qualities of leadership?
(a) Really understanding the problems of the people.
(b) Having the appearance of being religious.
(c) Never forgetting anything said in the past.
(d) Keeping all promises.

7. How does Machiavelli classify auxiliary troops?
(a) As extremely reliable during a crisis.
(b) As the worst possible choice for a prince to make.
(c) As the best possible choice for a prince to make.
(d) As cheaper than hiring independent mercenaries.

8. What is the first test of a new prince as a judge?
(a) The number of executions he orders at the beginning of his reign.
(b) The amount of public aid he offers the people.
(c) The wisdom and ability of the ministers he chooses to help him.
(d) Firing his military leaders and putting them into prison.

9. What message does a prince give his subjects if he builds a fortress for himself?
(a) That he trusts his military advisors.
(b) That he will always be ready to defend the people.
(c) That he is more important than the people.
(d) That he fears the people.

10. What is it that a prince cannot control among his subjects?
(a) Their taxation.
(b) Their cooperation.
(c) Their fear.
(d) Their love.

11. What does Machiavelli mean when he says "impetuousness is better than calculation"?
(a) Young men are too cautious to be successful.
(b) Fortune admits more readily to boldness than to calculation.
(c) Old men are usually more daring and agressive in their actions.
(d) Calculation enables one to do innovative things.

12. Who can successfully gain the reputation for generosity but not ruin himself in the process?
(a) A prince who only gives when he can expect a generous return.
(b) A prince who goes to war to create jobs for his subjects.
(c) A prince who has unlimited resources.
(d) A prince who gives away someone else's money.

13. Although Machiavelli says that Pope Julius II was impetuous in all he did, still he succeeded. Why?
(a) His actions fit the times.
(b) Fate caused many changes during his time.
(c) Because of his successes, he always looked for new ways of doing things.
(d) He relied on God to keep him safe.

14. How does Machiavelli define avarice?
(a) Being so generous that he has nothing left.
(b) Being of the disposition to take what is not one's own.
(c) Being nothing but a warrior.
(d) Being miserly and not generous enough.

15. What response does a prince receive if he is seen as fickle, effeminate, cowardly, frivolous, or irresolute?
(a) None.
(b) Contempt.
(c) Admiration.
(d) Strong support.

Short Answer Questions

1. What historical example does Machiavelli give to show how a military should be organized?

2. Why does Machiavelli say that the sultans of Turkey and Egypt had to listen more to the military than to the people?

3. What is Machiavelli's advice about people who do things that ultimately enrich the princedom?

4. Machiavelli's political thought is influenced greatly by the ideas of what?

5. What can a new prince be assured of?

(see the answer keys)

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