The Prince Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prince Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 7.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Machiavelli says some new princes may gain their new states either in exchange for money or as a favor. What other means does he point out for gaining a state?
(a) Bribing the military.
(b) Promising to lower taxes.
(c) Holding many public meetings.
(d) Making themselves popular with the people.

2. What role does morality play in keeping a dominion safe according to Machiavelli?
(a) Everything. The Prince must be ruled by God.
(b) It is only necessary for hereditary Princedoms.
(c) Only a little. People barely notice such things.
(d) None whatsoever.

3. What does Machiavelli see as an inevitable result of changes in government?
(a) A dovetailing of more and more change.
(b) Growth of the dominion by annexation.
(c) Pleasure of the subjects who like to see a lot of changes.
(d) Better conditions for the subjects of a dominion.

4. How did the Romans maintain control in Capua, Carthage, and Numantia?
(a) They made them all Roman citizens with new priviliges.
(b) They destroyed them and set up their own system of government.
(c) They allowed them to select government officials from their own citizens.
(d) They moved the Roman capital to Carthage.

5. What does Machiavelli see as the problem with barons?
(a) Barons are known for being cruel and causing trouble.
(b) The people tend to give more aligeance to the barrons than to the prince.
(c) Barons can do only what the prince orders.
(d) The people do not understand the difference between a prince and a baron.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Machiavelli suggest makes for peace in a dominion?

2. What was Cesare Borgia's greatest mistake according to Machiavelli?

3. What does Machiavelli say was the real cause of Cesare Borgia's ultimate failure?

4. What powerful force does Machiavelli say can efface innovations in government?

5. What example does Machiavelli give of a conquered territory rebelling against 100 years of servitude?

(see the answer key)

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