Prince Caspian Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prince Caspian Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 11, why does Susan believe she cannot see Aslan?
(a) Because she has poor eyesight.
(b) Because he isn't there and Lucy has been dreaming.
(c) Because she is not ready to see Aslan.
(d) She does see Aslan, but refuses to admit it.

2. In Chapter 12, who has given up on any help coming from the horn?
(a) Caspian.
(b) Doctor Cornelius.
(c) Trufflehunter.
(d) Nikabrik.

3. During the tussle in Chapter 12, who saves Doctor Cornelius from being strangled?
(a) Peter.
(b) Caspian.
(c) Trumpkin.
(d) Edmund.

4. When Lucy wakes up Edmund in Chapter 10, how does he respond?
(a) He quickly sees Aslan and jumps up to follow him.
(b) She is unable to wake him.
(c) He bickers with her and goes back to sleep.
(d) He is initially grumpy, but he believes her and agrees to help her wake the others.

5. How does Miraz learn of Caspian's flight in Chapter 7?
(a) A traitorous Narnian sends Miraz a message.
(b) Caspian's horse Destrier returns to the stables and arouses suspision.
(c) One of Miraz's guards sees Caspian's flight.
(d) Doctor Cornelius tells Miraz.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who offers to go with Lucy and follow Aslan if the party splits up?

2. In Chapter 7, as Caspian is getting ready to give his speech at the beginning of the council, what interrupts him?

3. What does everyone eat for breakfast in Chapter 12?

4. Why does Aslan seem bigger to Lucy when she first sees him?

5. When they eat breakfast in Chapter 12, what is Peter and Edmund dreaming of eating?

Short Essay Questions

1. What possible explanation does Trumpkin give for Peter's lack of recognition of the landscape on their journey in Chapter 9?

2. How does Susan feel when she can finally see Aslan in Chapter 11?

3. Describe the sound of Susan's horn as mentioned by Trumpkin in Chapter 8.

4. What are the first words Aslan speaks to Edmund?

5. In Chapter 11, as the Pevensies are considering splitting up, who does Trumpkin claim allegiance to first and foremost?

6. Describe the great ship, Splendor Hyaline that Susan and Lucy reminisce about in Chapter 8.

7. Why is Nikabrik initially prejudice against Doctor Cornelius?

8. In Chapter 11, after Aslan gives a mighty roar what happens?

9. Describe the werewolf who attends the council with Nikabrik and Caspian in Chapter 12.

10. When the Pevensies and Trumpkin fall under attack in Chapter 10 and have to retreat the way they came, how does Lucy respond?

(see the answer keys)

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