Prince Caspian Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prince Caspian Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Trumpkin's nickname acronym D.L.F. stand for?
(a) Darling Lost Foe.
(b) Dancing Lithe Flower.
(c) Dangerous Lancing Foe.
(d) Dear Little Friend.

2. Who offers to go with Lucy and follow Aslan if the party splits up?
(a) Trumpkin.
(b) Peter.
(c) Susan.
(d) Edmund.

3. In Chapter 7, who volunteers to meet whoever the horn may call at Cair Paravel?
(a) Trumpkin.
(b) Nikabrik.
(c) Doctor Cornelius.
(d) Glenstorm.

4. When Lucy first sees Aslan during her midnight ramble in Chapter 10, how does she respond?
(a) She turns around and runs from him, thinking him a wild lion.
(b) She runs to him and kisses and hugs him.
(c) She is initially afraid but waits and watches him.
(d) She starts singing to him.

5. In Chapter 8, what popular book does Lucy compare their summoning to Narnia to?
(a) The Arabian Nights.
(b) Alice in Wonderland.
(c) Treasure Island.
(d) Gulliver's Travels.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does everyone eat for breakfast in Chapter 12?

2. When Lucy wakes up Edmund in Chapter 10, how does he respond?

3. In Chapter 9, which member of the party is reduced to tears over the direction they have decided to proceed?

4. Why is Trumpkin uncomfortable from riding in the boat with the Pevensies on their journey to Caspian?

5. Why is Trumpkin disappointed that the Pevensies are the help summoned by the horn?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Edmund an adept fencer when he faces Trumpkin in Chapter 8?

2. Following the tussle in the Chapter 12 where Nikabrik and his companions attack Caspian, what is Caspian's opinion of Nikabrik?

3. How does Susan feel when she can finally see Aslan in Chapter 11?

4. Why is Nikabrik initially prejudice against Doctor Cornelius?

5. What are some of the reasons that Trumpkin disbelieves Lucy's sighting of Aslan in Chapter 9?

6. As Caspian awaits the council at Dancing Lawn in Chapter 7, how is his daily life different from what he is accustomed to at Miraz's castle?

7. In Chapter 10, what reason does Aslan give Lucy for showing himself to just her first rather than making a triumphant entrance to everyone the way he did during Lucy's last sojourn in Narnia?

8. How come Susan does not enjoy her archery match against Trumpkin in Chapter 8?

9. Why does Susan hesitate to kill the bear approaching them in Chapter 9?

10. What possible explanation does Trumpkin give for Peter's lack of recognition of the landscape on their journey in Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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