Pretty-shield, Medicine Woman of the Crows Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Frank Bird Linderman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pretty-shield, Medicine Woman of the Crows Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Frank Bird Linderman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was the scar that Pretty-shield had that Linderman asked her about?
(a) On her side.
(b) On her forehead.
(c) On her right hand.
(d) On her chin.

2. According to Pretty-shield, the skull that she and the other children found that was abnormally large had a neck bone that was larger than what?
(a) A man's wrist.
(b) A buffalo's horn.
(c) A horse hoof.
(d) A tree trunk.

3. Who was C.H. Asbury?
(a) The mayor.
(b) The warden of the prison.
(c) The janitor.
(d) The superintendent.

4. Why didn't the bear cub answer his mother when she called him?
(a) He was mad.
(b) He was drinking out of the river.
(c) He was running the other direction.
(d) Pretty-shield had captured him.

5. How old was the baby that Pretty-shield and the other girls offered to take care of in Chapter 5?
(a) Two.
(b) Eighteen months.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

Short Answer Questions

1. How often was the ceremonial tobacco seed planted?

2. How old was Pretty-shield when her mother died?

3. What was the name of the other girl that agreed to try to kill a buffalo calf with Pretty-Shield?

4. What was the name of the "borrowed" baby in Chapter 5?

5. What type of building was Linderman waiting in the corner of when Pretty-shield entered with Goes-together?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the buffalo cow that chased Pretty-shield in Chapter 6.

2. Why did Pretty-shield bring up the subject of the prisoners locked up in the Agency jail?

3. In Chapter 4, what did the coyote tell the boy to do to get rid of Red-woman?

4. What was Pretty-shield's answer when Linderman asked if she had ever whipped her own children?

5. What was the only instance where a woman's name could be changed, according to Pretty-shield?

6. How did Pretty-shield describe the happy Crow life, and how was their life changed by the horse?

7. At the end of Chapter 5, what did Linderman ask Pretty-shield as she walked stiffly to the door, and what was Pretty-shield's reply?

8. What did Pretty-shield state the Crows are fond of doing, in Chapter 2?

9. What did Pretty-shield tell Linderman about the white bear or grizzly bear?

10. What would the men, women, and children do when the village crier would ride through to tell the people that it was time to move?

(see the answer keys)

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