Pretending to Be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome Test | Final Test - Medium

Liane Holliday Willey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pretending to Be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome Test | Final Test - Medium

Liane Holliday Willey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Pretending to Be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Liane attempts to have her children conform to her ______ so that she can feel that she has some control.
(a) Clothing preferences.
(b) Routines.
(c) Rules.
(d) Ways of seeing the world.

2. Liane lists several strategies for college students with AS to deal with geographic issues including all of the following except _____.
(a) Only scheduling classes in one building.
(b) Taking mental pictures of different areas of campus and paying attention to landmarks.
(c) Asking for special needs building, transportation, and parking compensations.
(d) Asking for elevator keys if you get disoriented with big crowds and lots of stairways.

3. The negative aspects of choosing to share with others about AS include all of the following except ______.
(a) Because AS is subtle, people may think that you are making excuses.
(b) People may understand the reasons why you act differently.
(c) Once people learn about AS they may consciously exclude you from social circles.
(d) Once you realize others know, you may be tempted to withdraw.

4. Liane states that her children model for her how to _____ in public, while she teaches them moral and ethical standards.
(a) Laugh.
(b) Cry.
(c) Behave.
(d) Walk.

5. Liane's friend suggested that Liane's daughter might be dealing with ________.
(a) Sensory Integration Disorder.
(b) Autism.
(c) Mutism.
(d) Asperger's syndrome.

Short Answer Questions

1. Liane states that she is inflexible in how she understands words that convey all of the following concepts except ______.

2. Other strategies that Liane has for dealing with difficult conversations include all of the following except ______.

3. With her friend's help, Liane was able to find the _______ University Child Development Unit.

4. Liane developed several strategies for calming her babies that would not be too motion based including all of the following except _______.

5. Liane has learned to ______ people who challenge the reality of the AS experience as a means of protecting herself.

Short Essay Questions

1. What were the warning signs that Liane noticed about her daughter that pointed to a diagnosis of Asperger's?

2. What were the qualities that Tom possessed that Liane feels helped keep the relationship together long enough to figure out the communication issues?

3. What was the reaction of people to Liane's discovery that both she and her daughter likely has Asperger's syndrome?

4. Why is it important for college bound people with AS to tell people at the school about their AS?

5. What are some of the reasons why people with AS should not tell those around them about their diagnosis?

6. What happened in the grocery store that made Liane and her daughter want to rant and rave at the cashier?

7. What are some of the suggestions that Liane makes for those with AS to find a job that would fit their interests, abilities, and AS needs?

8. Why might it be important for a person with AS to tell those close to them about their diagnosis?

9. Why does Liane state at the beginning of the chapter that she knew right away her youngest daughter was special?

10. What happens to Liane and her husband when the ultrasound technician tells them that she sees two heads?

(see the answer keys)

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