Pretending to Be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome Test | Final Test - Easy

Liane Holliday Willey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pretending to Be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome Test | Final Test - Easy

Liane Holliday Willey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The benefits of choosing to share with others about AS include all of the following except ______.
(a) People will like you more.
(b) Educating others might allow for other AS people to be recognized and get help.
(c) Once people are told, they become better resources and supports.
(d) Through educating others you can learn to appreciate yourself.

2. Liane also had difficulty with the _______ designs of many baby things. She wanted solid forms that were comforting to her.
(a) Triangle.
(b) Circle.
(c) Square.
(d) Abstract.

3. Liane states that she has more difficulty recalling ______ than she does recounting facts.
(a) How to behave.
(b) How to count.
(c) How to laugh.
(d) How to sing.

4. Liane stated that during her daughter's testing at the Child Development Unit, she and her husband both ______, her from acceptance and possibility.
(a) Shouted.
(b) Laughed.
(c) Sighed.
(d) Cried.

5. Liane lists several strategies for people with AS to practice interviewing skills including all of the following except _____.
(a) Role playing.
(b) Showing enthusiasm.
(c) Being expressive with your body.
(d) Using good eye contact

6. One of the strategies Liane has developed for making sure she is giving Tom the closeness she thinks he needs is to _____.
(a) Ask Tom what he needs.
(b) Make lists - reminding her to be affectionate.
(c) Do the shopping.
(d) Clean the house.

7. In relating to other parents, Liane discovered that while their experiences were similar, other parents were not as _____ affected as she was.
(a) Clinically.
(b) Emotionally.
(c) Intellectually.
(d) Parasitically.

8. Liane realizes that her daughter's ways of ______ will be different from her own, especially since she has to grow up knowing something is wrong with her.
(a) Talking.
(b) Walking.
(c) Expressing.
(d) Coping.

9. One of the communication problems that Liane encounters in their relationship is following her husband's ________.
(a) Feelings.
(b) Dissertations.
(c) Grand elaborations.
(d) Logic.

10. Liane lists several responsibilities for people with AS once on the job including all of the following except: _____.
(a) Try to be patient with people who ignore your needs.
(b) Try not to quit a job without giving two weeks notice.
(c) Tell your employer and co-workers what you think they need to know about AS.
(d) Don't try too many training programs - they may overwhelm you.

11. Liane lists several strategies for college students with AS to improve social skills including all of the following except _____.
(a) Establishing a safe place on campus to regroup.
(b) Classes in neurobiology.
(c) Classes in speech communications.
(d) Finding or establishing a friendship group for those with AS.

12. Educators should be aware of all of the following challenges for people with AS except ______.
(a) Difficulty with abstract thinking.
(b) Excessive use of sarcasm.
(c) Sensory difficulties.
(d) Poor organization skills.

13. The negative aspects of choosing to share with others about AS include all of the following except ______.
(a) Once you realize others know, you may be tempted to withdraw.
(b) People may understand the reasons why you act differently.
(c) Once people learn about AS they may consciously exclude you from social circles.
(d) Because AS is subtle, people may think that you are making excuses.

14. Liane describes _______ as a situation in which she is unable to let go of a particular train of thought.
(a) Fascination.
(b) Amelioration.
(c) Perseveration.
(d) Concentration.

15. Liane realizes that she tends to think very concretely and needs answers to be ______ or wrong.
(a) Simple.
(b) Bad.
(c) Right.
(d) Easy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Liane discovers that she and her daughter both have big ______ and benefit from lots of encouragement.

2. Liane's visual perception difficulties affect her in all of the following ways except ______.

3. Liane reports that most of the time Tom is able to ______ the conversation which helps her decode what he is saying.

4. Liane states that she knew her _____ twin was going to be special even before she was born.

5. Liane suggests that AS people assign each member of the household a color to keep them organized for all of the following items except ______.

(see the answer keys)

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