Pretending to Be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Liane Holliday Willey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pretending to Be Normal: Living with Asperger's Syndrome Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Liane Holliday Willey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Liane experienced several ______ disasters, although she was able to learn enough to have a few friends.
(a) Environmental.
(b) Social.
(c) Homework.
(d) Coloring.

2. One of Liane's favorite places to be was up in a ______ tree where she could watch people and not have to interact with them.
(a) Pine.
(b) Beech.
(c) Maple.
(d) Oak.

3. Liane hated to wear _____ or satiny things, and she sometimes stripped in public because it was so unbearable.
(a) Rough.
(b) Soft.
(c) Natural fibers.
(d) Stiff.

4. Liane described a preoccupation with round numbers and she used to calm herself by doing certain activities in ______.
(a) Tens.
(b) Twenties.
(c) Fives.
(d) Eights.

5. Liane noticed that her friends all had different ways of dealing with anxiety including all of the following except _______.
(a) Whistling.
(b) Teeth sucking.
(c) Nail biting.
(d) Tiny muscle twitches.

6. Liane wasn't bothered by the fact that she was different in high school. Students were easy to categorize socially since they ran in ______.
(a) Grades.
(b) Castes.
(c) Lines.
(d) Cliques.

7. Liane wanted real school supplies to play with and quickly lost interest in ______ that did not smell like new ones.
(a) Markers.
(b) Pencils.
(c) Folders.
(d) Books.

8. After completing her first ______ years of college, Liane went to a counselor who gave her very good advice about getting out and managing her life without apology.
(a) Six.
(b) Four.
(c) Five.
(d) Three.

9. Liane's teachers struggled with her behaviors and they believed that she was "obstinate" and "mentally ______".
(a) Retarded.
(b) Compassionate.
(c) Deranged.
(d) Psychotic.

10. Liane was best at drama, and being around the speech and dramatic arts club exposed her to other ______, or those with AS.
(a) Aspies.
(b) Flakes.
(c) Aspergies.
(d) Asps.

11. Liane also employed a "fitting in" trick which she describes as being a more intricate form of _______.
(a) Echocardiogram.
(b) Echolalia.
(c) Paralalia.
(d) Melancholia.

12. One day after arriving to class Liane was ______ by a man wearing a flannel shirt. He was interrupted by one of the students.
(a) Spit on.
(b) Seduced.
(c) Attacked.
(d) Pushed.

13. The book suggests that though there are different prognoses, helping individuals _______ society may not be the best approach.
(a) Leave.
(b) Drop out of.
(c) Conform to.
(d) Abandon.

14. The book suggests that persons with Asperger's may be behind some of the most profound advances in all of the following except _______.
(a) Writers.
(b) Musicians.
(c) Cooks.
(d) Mathematicians.

15. According to the book, helping those with AS requires all of the following elements except _______.
(a) Intervention programs.
(b) Educational support.
(c) Medical support.
(d) Legal support.

Short Answer Questions

1. After her encounter with the man wearing the flannel shirt, Liane took a different job as a(n) _______.

2. Liane stated that one of her biggest job issues was in dealing with all the people and relationships which caused her a great deal of ______.

3. Individuals living with Asperger's syndrome may have all of the following issues except_______.

4. Liane stated that she liked the speech competitions because they allowed her to try the full scope of human _____.

5. Unlike other kids her age, Liane found the ______ of college to be challenging; there were not enough rules for her.

(see the answer keys)

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