Presumed Innocent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Presumed Innocent Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What nationality was Rusty's father?
(a) Irish.
(b) Yugoslavian.
(c) German.
(d) British.

2. What favor does Rusty ask of the caller in #98?
(a) If he would help him find Leon Wells.
(b) If he would get Sandy's acquittal record.
(c) If he would tap Horgan's phone.
(d) If he would keep an eye on Barbara for him.

3. What does Rusty find on a large iron tool in the basement of his house?
(a) Blood and skin.
(b) Bloody fingerprints.
(c) Blood and hair.
(d) Dried semen.

4. What does Nico NOT know about Rusty after the trial?
(a) If Rusty really killed Carolyn.
(b) If Rusty bribed Judge Lyttle.
(c) If Rusty ever abused Barbara.
(d) If Rusty would win the election.

5. Who does Horgan blame for the damage done to his career?
(a) Rusty.
(b) Tommy Molto.
(c) Dan Lipranzer.
(d) Della Guardia.

6. Why does Rusty not want Barbara to testify in court?
(a) He doesn't want to put her through it.
(b) He doesn't want her reputation ruined.
(c) He thinks she will turn on him.
(d) He thinks she will get flustered.

7. What does Rusty dream about in Chapter 35?
(a) Nat as a baby.
(b) His father in jail.
(c) Going to law school.
(d) His wedding.

8. When Rusty has lunch with Horgan, Horgan promises _________________________.
(a) to give Rusty a good reference.
(b) to help Rusty run for election next year.
(c) to help Rusty re-build his career.
(d) to find Carolyn's real murderer.

9. Horgan states that Rusty never said that ________________________.
(a) Carolyn was slacking off in her job.
(b) he was involved with Carolyn too.
(c) he needed some time off for a personal matter.
(d) his case load was too high.

10. Why does Lip call Rusty at the end of Chapter 32?
(a) To say he has found Leon Wells.
(b) To offer to pick up Nat at camp.
(c) To ask if he wants to grab a beer.
(d) To tell him that Carolyn's phone records have been lost.

11. Who does Rusty learn is to be the star witness in the case against him?
(a) Molto.
(b) Barbara.
(c) Lip.
(d) Horgan.

12. Locally, Rusty has become _____________________.
(a) a recluse.
(b) a legend.
(c) a celebrity.
(d) a murderer.

13. Why did Sandy continually bring up the introduction of the B file into evidence during the trial?
(a) To threaten Molto.
(b) To threaten Della Guardia.
(c) To threaten Horgan.
(d) To threaten Lyttle.

14. Chapter 32 opens with a battle in court over the prosecution's continued failure to _____________________.
(a) produce a murder weapon.
(b) find the glass.
(c) produce credible witnesses.
(d) secure phone records.

15. What does Jamie search for in Carolyn's apartment?
(a) Pills.
(b) Liquor.
(c) Rope.
(d) Contraceptives.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the beginning of Chapter 35, what time is it when Barbara thinks Rust is getting up when actually he is just coming to bed?

2. Nat is being sent to __________________ near Skageon until the trial is over.

3. Why was there no reason for Carolyn to have used contraceptive jelly found in her body?

4. What is the name of the black street gang to which Leon Wells belongs?

5. Sandy tells Rusty that Horgan got Carolyn the job as Deputy Prosecutor on the condition that ____________________.

(see the answer keys)

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