Presumed Innocent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Presumed Innocent Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Jamie Kemp?
(a) Barbara's brother.
(b) Sandy's assistant.
(c) Carolyn's son.
(d) Nat's best friend.

2. What had Carolyn written on the B file?
(a) Leon.
(b) Forest.
(c) Max.
(d) Painless.

3. Who is Stew Dubinsky?
(a) A mechanic.
(b) A lawyer.
(c) A reporter.
(d) A cop.

4. Who is the secretary for Rusty's office?
(a) Linda.
(b) Lydia.
(c) Lauren.
(d) Loretta.

5. What does Horgan tell Rusty at the election party?
(a) He plans to resign.
(b) He will run again.
(c) He is getting a divorce.
(d) He thinks Rusty should run.

6. Wendell McGaffen had to go on the witness stand to counteract __________________ testimony against his mother.
(a) his neighbor's.
(b) his grandmother's.
(c) his father's.
(d) his aunt's.

7. Barbara tells Rusty that he lets _________________ use him all the time.
(a) Carolyn.
(b) Nat.
(c) Horgan.
(d) Della Guardia.

8. What athletic event of his son's does Rusty attend?
(a) T-ball game.
(b) Football game.
(c) Soccer game.
(d) Basketball game.

9. An unsigned letter in the B file in Carolyn's office states that someone the writer calls Noel was arrested for ________________________.
(a) kidnapping.
(b) fraud.
(c) robbery.
(d) something very embarrassing.

10. Sandy tells Rusty that Nico did not want to add a charge of ____________________ in Rusty's case.
(a) obstructing justice.
(b) rape.
(c) theft.
(d) fraud.

11. Lipranzer suspects that ________________ was involved with Carolyn.
(a) Dan.
(b) Rusty.
(c) Seth.
(d) Roger.

12. Which of the following is NOT someone Nico has subpoenaed to testify in Carolyn's murder trial?
(a) Rusty.
(b) Eugenia.
(c) Horgan.
(d) Robinson.

13. Nat is what type of child?
(a) A scientist.
(b) A dreamer.
(c) An athlete.
(d) A hellian.

14. Which of the following did NOT happen to Carolyn?
(a) She was stabbed.
(b) She was bound.
(c) She was murdered.
(d) She was raped.

15. What did Rusty and Carolyn do while waiting for the verdict in the McGaffen trial?
(a) They went to dinner.
(b) They went to a movie.
(c) They went out for drinks.
(d) They returned to the office.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the nickname of the county pathologist?

2. Where does Horgan throw an election party for his constituents?

3. What did Carolyn tell Rusty when he could sense her lust for him while working late one night?

4. What do the exit poll results indicate on election day?

5. Rusty's love for Carolyn was seldom ___________________.

(see the answer keys)

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