Prep Test | Final Test - Easy

Curtis Sittenfeld
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Prep Test | Final Test - Easy

Curtis Sittenfeld
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what does Lee compare her math textbook on page 260?
(a) A map of Ancient Rome.
(b) A map of Europe.
(c) A map of Russia.
(d) A map of the stars.

2. According to Lee in Chapter 8, when is the only time people are allowed to show real emotion?
(a) When listening to music.
(b) When alone.
(c) When watching movies.
(d) When playing sports.

3. Lee’s college counselor is given to what type of student, as explained in Chapter 8?
(a) Scholarship students.
(b) Top athletes.
(c) Talented artists.
(d) Mediocre students.

4. Where do Lee and her father drive to pick up her younger brother during Christmas break in Chapter 8?
(a) A roller staking rink.
(b) A pizza parlor.
(c) An arcade.
(d) A movie theater.

5. According to Lee at the end of Chapter 6, what did she learn from Conchita and Dave?
(a) How to treat people better.
(b) How to act in public.
(c) How to voice her opinions.
(d) How to express love.

6. According to Lee on page 355, her father and brother do what to her?
(a) Make her feel depressed.
(b) Provoke a sense of entitlement.
(c) Bring out the worst in her.
(d) Cause her to break out in hives.

7. What is the name of Lee’s younger brother, with whom she argues during Christmas break in Chapter 8?
(a) Jack.
(b) Jeffrey.
(c) James.
(d) Joseph.

8. Where does Lee spend Thanksgiving in Chapter 8?
(a) At her house.
(b) At Dede's house.
(c) At Martha’s house.
(d) At Conchita's house.

9. In Chapter 8, Lee is unable to go anywhere without which person?
(a) Martha.
(b) Dede.
(c) Sin-Jun.
(d) Cross.

10. In Chapter 8, what does Lee spend her entire Thanksgiving break thinking about?
(a) Cross.
(b) Her math exam.
(c) College.
(d) Her family.

11. How does one student describe Lee immediately after the publication of the article in The New York Times?
(a) As infamous.
(b) As unforgivable.
(c) As outrageous.
(d) As legendary.

12. To what university is Lee accepted in Chapter 8?
(a) The University of Delaware.
(b) The University of Floria.
(c) The University of Michigan.
(d) The University of Pennsylvania.

13. Lee interrupts a romantic moment between what two people in Chapter 6?
(a) Sin-Jun and Clara.
(b) Rufina and Maria.
(c) Dede and Aspeth.
(d) Martha and Conchita.

14. According to Lee on page 271, why should she not be kicked out of school even though she is not an asset to the school?
(a) Because she is so close to graduation.
(b) Because she is on scholarship.
(c) Because she tries hard.
(d) Because she does not break the rules.

15. With whom does Lee meet to discuss her failing grade in Chapter 7?
(a) Headmaster Byden.
(b) Dean Fletcher.
(c) Madame Broussard.
(d) Mrs. Van der Hoef.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Lee’s tutor in Chapter 7?

2. According to Lee in Chapter 7, she would be a different student if only she knew what?

3. According to Lee on page 304, who would be excited about Lee’s involvement with Cross?

4. Why does Lee receive a punishment early in Chapter 8?

5. Who approaches Lee during lunch in Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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