Pre: The Story of America's Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine Test | Final Test - Medium

Tom Jordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pre: The Story of America's Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine Test | Final Test - Medium

Tom Jordan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Pre: The Story of America's Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Steve say he was going to do at his new house that his friends didn't think he had time for?
(a) Coin collecting.
(b) Build an addition.
(c) Remodel it.
(d) Grow a garden.

2. What type of training did Steve agree to participate in spring 1975?
(a) Trail training.
(b) High-altitude training.
(c) Road training.
(d) Desert training.

3. How were Steve's views about an Olympic medal different in 1974?
(a) He wanted a medal not the medal.
(b) He thought it was not worth the cost.
(c) He thought the rules for winning one were to strict.
(d) He no longer had interest in winning one.

4. What was Steve's favorite bar?
(a) Regal Beagle.
(b) The Underground.
(c) Rabbitts.
(d) Paddock Tavern.

5. What group challenged the rules of Amateurism?
(a) Univerity of Oregan Track and Field Program.
(b) Association of Road Racing Athletes.
(c) Boston Athletic Association.
(d) Univerty of Portland Track and Field Program.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Steve give to Nike?

2. Where did Steve drop his other passenger off?

3. Readers of what magazine voted Steve the most popular track athlete in 1975?

4. What did Steve relate running too?

5. Why did Steve think that Steve Bence was Spanish?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was Steve's reaction to John Hall's prediction of how he would place in the LA Times Indoor Meet?

2. Where did Steve go after leaving the track after his last race?

3. What did Steve do before leaving the track after winning his last race?

4. Why did the AAU have problems with Steve wearing Nike clothes and shoes?

5. What kind of reception did Steve get when he arrived at the July Games in Stockholm?

6. What did going to Europe mean to American athletes in the 1970's?

7. What point in his life had Steve reached when he began the 1975 track season?

8. What was Steve's greatest drawback in Europe?

9. What was Steve's opinion on his running ability?

10. What was one of Steve's strongest traits?

(see the answer keys)

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