Praisesong for the Widow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Praisesong for the Widow Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lebert tell Avey that the annual island excursion is all about?
(a) Relaxing.
(b) Family.
(c) Dancing.
(d) All of these.

2. What is the name of the ship that would take Avey, as a girl, on the trips to Bear Mountain with her family and friends?
(a) Old Mac.
(b) Poughkeepsie Paddler.
(c) Hudson River Lines.
(d) Robert Fulton.

3. What question does the preacher ask after he finishes the story of Christ rising from the dead?
(a) What stones the parishoners have pulled over their hearts.
(b) If anyone wants to testify.
(c) Who will see Christ at the end of his life?
(d) If anyone wants to be baptized today.

4. How do the people position themselves in preparation for the Beg Pardon?
(a) They lie with their faces to the ground.
(b) They sit in a single row.
(c) They are on their knees and forming a circle.
(d) They lie on the ground wherever they want.

5. Which of the following does Avey do when she has a meltdown on the hotel room balcony?
(a) Pounds the air with her fist.
(b) All of these.
(c) Screams.
(d) Cries.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Avey do after her body has finished its purge?

2. Which of the following does Avey think that her family lost?

3. What does Avey think when she sees some crabs at play?

4. What does Avey recall envisioning binding the group members of her girlhood trips?

5. What does each person say to his ancestors during the Beg Pardon?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to Avey when she finally lets her true nature come to the forefront as she stands on the hotel room balcony?

2. What does Avey sense as she awakens in the hotel room after her night of being emotionally exhausted?

3. Describe the awakening Avey, who is subconsciously preparing to reclaim her life, experiences.

4. What is revealed about the women on the boat by the way they care for Avey?

5. What was occurring during all those years that Avey was living in denial about her true self?

6. Describe how Avey has now integrated all the parts of her life into an authentic whole person.

7. In what ways is Avey's meltdown at the hotel a clearing of the path for her spiritually?

8. Avey now longs for her husband "Jay" who "died" when Jerome came to the forefront and made them an affluent family. To what holiday situation does Avey compare this longing?

9. What is Avey doing in Chapter 4 at the same time she was supposed to be flying back to America?

10. Describe Avey's behavior on the beach.

(see the answer keys)

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