Practical Magic Test | Final Test - Easy

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Practical Magic Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tell Gideon that Gideon's mother is getting married?
(a) She does.
(b) His brother.
(c) His father.
(d) Kylie tells him.

2. What does Sally say is the important thing about Jimmy?
(a) He has left Gillian.
(b) He will never hurt another person.
(c) He is out of Gary's jurisdiction.
(d) He was killed in self-defense.

3. Who is Gillian dating?
(a) No one.
(b) Gideon.
(c) Thomas Jones.
(d) Ben Frye.

4. What does Gary decide to do after reading the letter from Sally to Gillian?
(a) Call the police in Sally's town.
(b) Have Gillian arrested immediately.
(c) Call Sally and ask her for a date.
(d) Track down Gillian and Sally.

5. What does Gillian tell her aunts about Jimmy?
(a) That she killed him with nightshade.
(b) That he almost killed her.
(c) That she shot him.
(d) That she killed him with arsenic.

6. What does Gary think when he sees Sally's car?
(a) He wants to marry her.
(b) She wants to go into his motel room.
(c) She has come to lie to him some more.
(d) It might not be her.

7. What does Kylie say about the man in the back yard?
(a) He never was there.
(b) He is there but not so angry.
(c) He is no longer there.
(d) He is fading.

8. What does a toad spit out in the kitchen?
(a) A ring.
(b) An uncut diamond.
(c) A butterfly.
(d) A piece of blond hair.

9. What is the woman at the front desk of Gary's motel doing?
(a) Watching television.
(b) Talking on the phone.
(c) Filling out a form.
(d) Playing on the computer.

10. When Gary starts crying who is he thinking about?
(a) His father.
(b) His grandmother.
(c) His grandfather.
(d) His uncle.

11. What does Sally do when she finds out Gary is out?
(a) Leaves and comes back later.
(b) Goes and sits in her car.
(c) Calls Gillian.
(d) Waits in the motel office.

12. What will change in Gideon's life with his mother's marriage?
(a) His name.
(b) Nothing.
(c) His school.
(d) He will be moving but going to the same school.

13. What do the aunts tell Gillian about Ben?
(a) He has some issues but will be okay.
(b) Not to screw up her relationship with him.
(c) He is a poor magician.
(d) He is not a good liar.

14. Where does Kylie run when two men are chasing her?
(a) The library.
(b) Gideon's house.
(c) The police station.
(d) The ice cream parlor where Antonia works.

15. Who is Buddy?
(a) Ben's boss.
(b) Ben's son.
(c) Ben's rabbit.
(d) Ben's brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Kylie and Gideon do eventually when he goes to see her?

2. Who raised Gary Hallet?

3. What does Sally do when Gary starts crying?

4. Why does Kylie stop being mad at Gillian?

5. What does Sally say to Gary about Jimmy?

(see the answer keys)

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